Rephrasing - gryphonshafer/Bible GitHub Wiki

With verses marked, the content is still fairly convoluted. While it may be fairly accurately translated, it is typically very difficult to read. This work phase reorders words (but attempts to keep phrases in the same order) and adds minimal helper words.

Consider the first verse from Titus, chapter 1 as might come out of the previous work phase:

|1| Paul of God a slave+83+servant+17 and of Jesus Christ
an apostle for+65+according+35 faith of elect+54+chosen+46 
of God and full knowledge of truth+75+according+25 of godliness.

What needs to happen here is for words to be reorganized within their specific phases to bring about a more readable verse. For example, "Paul of God a slave" is better as "Paul, a slave of God".

In some cases, there will be multiple options for a given word. Unless there is compelling reasons to do something different, always select the first word and provide the other words as footnotes.

Sometimes it will be important to add "helper" words to keep the reading smooth. For example, "for faith of elect of God and full knowledge of truth of godliness" is better as "for the faith of the elect of God and full knowledge of the truth of godliness". However, every added word must be in italics ("for ^the^ faith") so it's clear to the reader the word was added.

The final verse from this phase might read as follows:

|1| Paul, a slave [or ^servant^] of God, and an apostle 
of Jesus Christ, for [or ^according to^] ^the^ faith of 
^the^ elect [or ^chosen^] of God and full knowledge of 
^the^ truth of [or ^according to^] godliness.