Mission and Goal - gryphonshafer/Bible GitHub Wiki

This is a project to translate the mainstream Protestant Christian Bible directly from multiple ancient Hebrew and Greek sources into English with the aid of modern technology. The goal of the project is to construct a Bible that is readable, grammatically correct, as free from interpretation as possible, and conveys as accurate a modern meaning as possible.

Open Content

This Bible both as it is being translated and when the initial translation work is complete will be open, offered freely under a creative commons license. Specifically, the content is released under the Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-ND 4.0) license. As such, anyone may use the content, in whole or in part, for commercial or non-commercial purposes, provided there is attribution provided and there is no alteration of the content.

Perpetual Work in Progress

This Bible is intended to be a perpetual work in progress. Once the initial translation work is complete for any given section or chapter, subsequent improvements in the content can be discussed, debated, and introduced. All initial translation work and subsequent perpetual work must be conducted under the operating procedures of this project. All use of the work outside of this project is governed by the aforementioned licensing agreement.