SquirtleDesign - grutz/squirtle GitHub Wiki

Squirtle's Design

The idea behind Squirtle is to generate NTLM authorization requests at will from a client. The client is managed by a series of JSON calls back to the master controller which also receives requests from outside utilities to facilitate the passage of authorization parameters.

Through the use of the SAPI (Squirtle API) any program can obtain a list of controlled workstations, request NTLM authentication with a set of parameters (passing the server's nonce) or shut clients down if necessary.

Squirtle API

All requests can be sent as GET or POST structure

Agent / Controller Functions

List Sessions

Controller function to list currently connected sessions

Request URI http://server/controller/listsessions
Variables None
Returns JSON list of clients, sorted by timestamp

List Hashes

Controller function to list all collected users and hashes with nonces.

Request URI http://server/controller/allhashes
Variables None
Returns JSON User hashes, unsorted

Request Static NONCE NTLM Auth

Request that a user authenticate with a static NONCE. Results are stored in the hashes database.

Request URI http://server/controller/static
Variables key Client Key
nonce Nonce to use (as hex string) -- will use default if not listed
Returns JSON 'status':'ok'
'status':'invalid user'

Request NTLM Type 3 Response

Request a user respond to a specific Type 2 request. Attacker can submit a base64 Type 2 request or the specific variables to use. Any client that has not talked to the controller in 5 minutes (configurable) will be considered dead. Any requests will return 'invalid user'.

Request URI http://server/controller/type2
Variables key Client key (md5 string)
base64 Base64 of a Type 2 message
domain Domain name
server Server name
domain DNS domain suffix
nonce Nonce (as hex string)
flags Flags (as hex string)
Returns JSON 'status':'ok'
'status':'invalid user'
'status':'no response'

List hashes of a specific user

Request URI http://server/controller/listuser
Variables user Username
Returns JSON 'status':'no user specified'
'status':'user not found'
'status':'ok', 'hashes':{'key':'key',

Redirect user to a specific URL

Request URI http://server/controller/redirect
Variables key Client key
url URL to redirect to
Returns JSON 'status':'ok'

Clear session data

Request URI http://server/controller/clearsession
Variables key Client key
Returns JSON 'status':'ok'

Client Functions

Clients are first captured by connecting to the server controller (http://server/). They provide the actionable functions such as requesting authentication with static nonces, auth with server-provided nonce, change of the refresh timer, refresh the current page, etc.


This is the basic command and control block. As a new client connects the controller a bit of html/javascript code will be delivered that will phone home after a pre-configured timeout value has been reached. The purpose of this communication is to see if the controller has any activity for the client to perform.

Request URI http://server/keepalive
Variables None
Returns JSON 'keepalive': '5000'
'url': 'http://server/url'
'refresh': 'http://url'

Static NONCE NTLM Authorization

Force client to authenticate to master controller with a static nonce. This only supports LMv1/NTLMv1. If the client does not support NTLMv1 negotiation then we're outta luck for this version.

Request URI http://server/client/auth
Variables None
Returns JSON {'status':'true'}

Server NONCE NTLM Authorization

Force client to authenticate to master controller with a server-defined nonce and return the result to the requester. Support for NTLMv2 included as we're just passing the authorization request and have no need to store for cracking.

A small window is opened for authentication and closed automatically by JavaScript.

Request URI http://server/client/nonce
Variables None
Returns JSON {'status':'true'}