saving other - gruppe-adler/grad-persistence GitHub Wiki

Save other entities by setting the relevant attributes in CfgGradPersistence to

When saving editor-placed markers or triggers, the variable name of the respective entity will be saved and restored on mission load. If that entity already exists, the existing entity will be used instead of spawning a new one. In order to avoid duplicates when loading the mission, you have to give all markers and triggers that you want to save a variable name!

Tasks basically behave the same way. If you create a task with a module in 3den, that task will be overwritten on mission load, if a task with the same ID exists in your save data.


Attribute Default Value Explanation
saveMarkers 0 0/1/2/3 - Same as objects: 0 - disabled, 1 - editor-placed, etc. Of user created markers, only those in global channel will be saved. more
saveTasks 0 0/1 - Only saves tasks that are assigned globally or to a side. more
saveTriggers 0 0/1/2 - 0 to disable, 1 to enable, 2 to enable and re-execute the statements of triggers which have already been activated. more
saveTeamAccounts 1 0/1 - Toggles saving of shared team money. Needs GRAD ListBuymenu
saveTimeAndDate 1 0/1 - Toggles saving of time and date.
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