Usage - gruppe-adler/grad-aiCommand GitHub Wiki

Direct Orders

You can use ACE Interact on an AI and select AI Command to give orders to that unit's group. Waypoint execution will be paused while you are interacting. As soon as you close the dialog, the group will proceed to their first waypoint.

Highcommand Mode

You can also ACE Selfinteract and choose AI Command to enter the highcommand mode. In this mode, all editable groups are shown on the map. Leftclick on a group to select it. Waypoints of the selected group are shown.

Group Contextmenu

Rightclick on a group to edit it.

  • If you kick a unit from a group while in direct order mode, the kicked unit's new group will also be editable.
  • If you pause a group's waypoint execution, the units will stop moving. That means they will still respond to enemies, but they will not be able to run for cover.

Waypoint Contextmenu

Rightclick a waypoint to edit it.

  • Waypoint types are explained here
  • Behaviour is explained here
  • Combat modes are explained here
  • under Actions you can find some custom commands, that the group will execute once they reach that waypoint
    • Search Nearby will make a group search the nearest building, then resume waypoint execution.
    • Defend will make a group defend an area 50m around this waypoint. This means some units will patrol, others will take static weapons, others will stand guard.
    • Garrison lets a group take defensive positions in nearby buildings. The group will only ungarrison once a new waypoint is ordered.
    • Random Patrol will automatically create new random patrol waypoints, once this waypoint is reached.