Home - grumpfou/WolfWriter GitHub Wiki

Welcome to the WolfWriter wiki!

Issues :

  • Problems with the search of accentuated thing with "entire word" option
  • when changing a desciption in the encyclopaedia, it is not emiting the changed()
  • plenty of problems with save as in a different folder
  • When a name of the encyclopaedia is the beginning of a common name, it highlight the beginning of the name.
  • Python do not save the unbreakable space as unbreakable space
  • "qc:" ---- typo ---> "qc :" et pas "quelquechose :"

Todo :

  • possibility to use the accentuates maj in all circumstance (still not the case in the Qdialogs)
  • clean a little bit the Encyclopedia navigator
  • name for the char table's windows


To version 1

  • prepare the internationalization of the software
  • make a small manual

To version >1

  • make a corrector
  • allow some statistics using the archives
  • making automatic saving and archivings
  • replace function
  • more depth in the chapters
  • extand the exportation to .doc, .rtf, .odt, .pdf, .tex, .epub
  • export Encyclopedia
  • deals with emphasizements
  • password (crypted books)
  • enhence the alias in the encyclopedia (flexions etc.)
  • multiple words entries in the encyclopedia
  • direct access to a char in the char table via the unicode number
  • keep in memory the char table