Roadmap - gruelbox/orko GitHub Wiki

Next release

For the changes available in the current SNAPSHOT release, see Releases. Alternatively, pull gruelbox/orko:latest on Docker.

Current contents:

0.15 is heavily focused on internal work. I've been putting a lot of time into the deployment architecture and updating the code to prepare for the next big feature push.


  • [WIP] Revamp deployment instructions, forgetting about Heroku and focusing on more scalable architecture
  • [WIP] Continuing work on splitting application into independent Docker services.
  • [WIP] Continuing work on Apprise-based notification support.

Bug fixes:


Developer quality-of-life:

  • [WIP] Continuing work on eliminating redux/reselect from UI code and replaced with more sensible modular Contexts.

Current milestones

After that...

Then the following larger items are top of the list to tackle next. Can you help?

  • A proper user guide or in-app tutorial.
  • Improving security in a number of ways.
  • Improving browser support (currently only tested on Chrome Desktop and Chrome Mobile)
  • Improving mobile UI for "thumbability".
  • Refinements to the trading experience (lots of these!)
  • Completing scripting support and making it easier to test and understand.
  • Support for margin trading on Bitfinex and Bitmex.
  • Improving the way the server handles exchange downtime such as long maintenance windows, and detects and reports issues in the server process. Currently log monitoring is required for this.
  • Better management of large numbers of coins (sorting, grouping etc)
  • More deployment options, such as creating rpm/deb/brew packages as part of releases.
  • Switching to the full commercial TradingView widget where kline feeds are publicised by the exchanges, allowing orders and reference prices to be shown on the chart, drawings to be retained between sessions, and charts to be shown for exchanges with no native TradingView support (such as Kucoin).
  • Bring Bitmex and Kraken support up to production strength, and support more exchanges