How to use this script? - growtopiajaw/adb-wireless GitHub Wiki

Opppppppppppp...... Slow down buddy! What's the rush? You're not late for a flight isn't that right?

If not, then please take your time reading this instruction...

It's an essay OMG! Nah, just kidding...

  1. Extract the zip file 'adb-wireless-master'

  2. Enter the directory 'adb-wireless-master'

Alternatively, open up a terminal and type in the commands below

cd adb-wireless-master

  1. Launch / Run the script

Type in the commands below in a terminal to run the script


  1. Connect your device to your computer via USB
  2. Make sure that USB debugging is enabled in [Device--> Settings--> Developer options]
  3. Make sure that your computer and your device are connected to Wi-Fi or your Mobile Hotspot

NOTE: This is mandatory. Before you connect your device with adb via Wi-Fi, you must connect it via USB to your computer first. Once adb is connected via Wi-Fi, you can remove the USB