Integrating Browsermob Proxy - groupon/odo GitHub Wiki

Browsermob Proxy 2.0-beta-9 is currently integrated via the "browsermob-proxy-odo" module. The following is information about what files contain changes that would need to be ported to newer versions during an update. Odo code changes have "BEGIN ODO CHANGES" and "END ODO CHANGES" around the changes

  1. net.lightbody.bmp.proxy.BrowserMobProxyHandler
    1. handleConnect(..)
  2. net.lightbody.bmp.proxy.http.BrowserMobHostNameResolver
    1. resolve(..)
  3. net.lightbody.bmp.proxy.http.SimulatedSocketFactory
    1. connectSocket(..)
  4. All included files have namespace changes to com.groupon.odo.bmp.*
  5. All included files have appropriate imports update to reflect namespace changes