Customize Backbeat - groupon/backbeat GitHub Wiki

Backbeat Configurations

Log Location

You can change the location you want the backbeat logs to go to by changing the 'log' value in config/options.yml

log: /my/location/ondisk/backbeat.log

For STDOUT simply use '~'

log: ~

Log Level

You can change the level of logging you care about it with the 'log_level' setting in config/options.yml Options include INFO, DEBUG, WARN, ERROR Default is INFO which logs all output (recommended if you have the disk space)

log_level: INFO


Custom postgres configurations can be used by changing the values in config/database.yml


Custom redis configurations can be used by changing the values in config/redis.yml

Default Client Timeout

If the Backbeat Server does not hear a response from the client within this time (in Seconds), the server will resend the activity to the client for processing. This setting can be changed in config/options/yml. The default is 2 days(172800 seconds)

default_client_timeout: 172800