Features - gropax/qiq GitHub Wiki
Create a note
# Create note in default text editor
$ qiq note new
# Create note in buffers
$ qiq note new --buffer proj/philo
# Create note with tags
$ qiq note new --tag plato,socrates
# Create note inline
$ qiq note new --content "This is a cool note"
# Create note from file
$ qiq note new --file dir/note_file
# Create note from pipe
$ echo "This is a cool note" | qiq note new
# Create note with given text editor
$ qiq note new --editor emacs
# Default (return id)
# Verbose
(Created note *123 in @my/buffer with #tag1, #tag2)
# Quiet
Edge cases
- Connection failed
- Validation errors (content can't be blank)
# Connection failure
Error: Can't connect to the Qiq server.
# Validation errors
Error: Content can't be blank