Icons - grommet/grommet-icons GitHub Wiki


import { ICON_NAME } from 'grommet-icons';

  • NOTE: add babel-plugin-grommet to your .babelrc to make sure only the icons imported will be included in the final bundle. If you prefer not to use the plugin, import the icon with its full path:

import ICON_NAME from 'grommet-icons/icons/ICON_NAME';


import { AccessAccessibility } from 'grommet-icons';


Name Icon
Accessibility Accessibility
Achievement Achievement
Action Action
Actions Actions
Ad Ad
AddCircle AddCircle
Add Add
Aed Aed
Aggregate Aggregate
AidOption AidOption
Aid Aid
Alarm Alarm
Alert Alert
Amazon Amazon
Amex Amex
Analytics Analytics
Android Android
Announce Announce
AppleAppStore AppleAppStore
Apple Apple
Apps Apps
Archive Archive
Archlinux Archlinux
Article Article
Aruba Aruba
Ascend Ascend
AssistListening AssistListening
Atm Atm
Attachment Attachment
Attraction Attraction
Baby Baby
BackTen BackTen
BarChart BarChart
Bar Bar
Basket Basket
Bitcoin Bitcoin
Blog Blog
Book Book
Bookmark Bookmark
BottomCorner BottomCorner
Braille Braille
Briefcase Briefcase
Brush Brush
Bug Bug
Bundle Bundle
Bus Bus
BusinessService BusinessService
Cafeteria Cafeteria
Calculator Calculator
Calendar Calendar
Camera Camera
Capacity Capacity
Car Car
CaretDown CaretDown
CaretNext CaretNext
CaretPrevious CaretPrevious
CaretUp CaretUp
Cart Cart
CatalogOption CatalogOption
Catalog Catalog
Centos Centos
Channel Channel
ChapterAdd ChapterAdd
ChapterNext ChapterNext
ChapterPrevious ChapterPrevious
ChatOption ChatOption
Chat Chat
CheckboxSelected CheckboxSelected
Checkbox Checkbox
Checkmark Checkmark
Chrome Chrome
CircleInformation CircleInformation
CirclePlay CirclePlay
CircleQuestion CircleQuestion
ClearOption ClearOption
Clear Clear
Cli Cli
Clipboard Clipboard
Clock Clock
Clone Clone
Close Close
ClosedCaption ClosedCaption
CloudComputer CloudComputer
CloudDownload CloudDownload
CloudSoftware CloudSoftware
CloudUpload CloudUpload
Cloud Cloud
Cloudlinux Cloudlinux
Cluster Cluster
CoatCheck CoatCheck
Code Code
CodepenEdit CodepenEdit
CodepenTry CodepenTry
Codepen Codepen
Columns Columns
Compare Compare
Compass Compass
Compliance Compliance
Configure Configure
Connect Connect
Connectivity Connectivity
ContactInfo ContactInfo
Contact Contact
Contract Contract
Copy Copy
CreativeCommons CreativeCommons
CreditCard CreditCard
Css3 Css3
Cube Cube
Cubes Cubes
Currency Currency
Cursor Cursor
Cut Cut
Cycle Cycle
Dashboard Dashboard
Database Database
Debian Debian
Deliver Deliver
Deploy Deploy
Descend Descend
Desktop Desktop
Detach Detach
Device Device
Diamond Diamond
Directions Directions
Dislike Dislike
Docker Docker
DocumentCloud DocumentCloud
DocumentConfig DocumentConfig
DocumentCsv DocumentCsv
DocumentDownload DocumentDownload
DocumentExcel DocumentExcel
DocumentImage DocumentImage
DocumentLocked DocumentLocked
DocumentMissing DocumentMissing
DocumentNotes DocumentNotes
DocumentOutlook DocumentOutlook
DocumentPdf DocumentPdf
DocumentPerformance DocumentPerformance
DocumentPpt DocumentPpt
DocumentRtf DocumentRtf
DocumentSound DocumentSound
DocumentStore DocumentStore
DocumentTest DocumentTest
DocumentText DocumentText
DocumentThreat DocumentThreat
DocumentTime DocumentTime
DocumentTransfer DocumentTransfer
DocumentTxt DocumentTxt
DocumentUpdate DocumentUpdate
DocumentUpload DocumentUpload
DocumentUser DocumentUser
DocumentVerified DocumentVerified
DocumentVideo DocumentVideo
DocumentWindows DocumentWindows
DocumentWord DocumentWord
DocumentZip DocumentZip
Document Document
Domain Domain
Dos Dos
Down Down
Download Download
Drag Drag
DriveCage DriveCage
Dropbox Dropbox
Duplicate Duplicate
Dxc Dxc
Edge Edge
Edit Edit
Eject Eject
Elevator Elevator
Emergency Emergency
EmptyCircle EmptyCircle
Erase Erase
Escalaton Escalaton
Expand Expand
FacebookOption FacebookOption
Facebook Facebook
Fan Fan
FastForward FastForward
Favorite Favorite
Fedora Fedora
Filter Filter
FingerPrint FingerPrint
Fireball Fireball
Firefox Firefox
Flag Flag
FolderCycle FolderCycle
FolderOpen FolderOpen
Folder Folder
FormAdd FormAdd
FormAttachment FormAttachment
FormCalendar FormCalendar
FormCheckmark FormCheckmark
FormClock FormClock
FormClose FormClose
FormCut FormCut
FormDown FormDown
FormEdit FormEdit
FormFilter FormFilter
FormFolder FormFolder
FormLocation FormLocation
FormLock FormLock
FormNextLink FormNextLink
FormNext FormNext
FormPreviousLink FormPreviousLink
FormPrevious FormPrevious
FormRefresh FormRefresh
FormSchedule FormSchedule
FormSearch FormSearch
FormSubtract FormSubtract
FormTrash FormTrash
FormUp FormUp
FormUpload FormUpload
FormViewHide FormViewHide
FormView FormView
ForwardTen ForwardTen
Freebsd Freebsd
Gallery Gallery
Gamepad Gamepad
Gift Gift
Github Github
Globe Globe
Golang Golang
GooglePlay GooglePlay
GooglePlus GooglePlus
GoogleWallet GoogleWallet
Google Google
Gremlin Gremlin
Grid Grid
GrommetOutline GrommetOutline
Grommet Grommet
Group Group
Grow Grow
Hadoop Hadoop
Halt Halt
Help Help
Heroku Heroku
History History
Home Home
Horton Horton
HostMaintenance HostMaintenance
Host Host
Hp Hp
HpeElementOutline HpeElementOutline
HpeElement HpeElement
HpeLabsInsigniaOutline HpeLabsInsigniaOutline
HpeLabsInsignia HpeLabsInsignia
HpeStackCentered HpeStackCentered
HpeStack HpeStack
Hpi Hpi
Html5 Html5
IceCream IceCream
Image Image
Impact Impact
InProgress InProgress
Inbox Inbox
Indicator Indicator
Info Info
Inherit Inherit
Inspect Inspect
Instagram Instagram
InstallOption InstallOption
Install Install
Integration Integration
InternetExplorer InternetExplorer
Iteration Iteration
Java Java
Language Language
Launch Launch
Layer Layer
License License
Like Like
LineChart LineChart
LinkBottom LinkBottom
LinkDown LinkDown
LinkNext LinkNext
LinkPrevious LinkPrevious
LinkTop LinkTop
LinkUp LinkUp
Link Link
LinkedinOption LinkedinOption
Linkedin Linkedin
Local Local
LocationPin LocationPin
Location Location
Lock Lock
Login Login
Logout Logout
Lounge Lounge
Magic Magic
MailOption MailOption
Mail Mail
Mandriva Mandriva
Manual Manual
MapLocation MapLocation
Map Map
Mastercard Mastercard
Medium Medium
Menu Menu
Microfocus Microfocus
Microphone Microphone
Money Money
Monitor Monitor
More More
Multimedia Multimedia
Multiple Multiple
Music Music
Mysql Mysql
Navigate Navigate
NewWindow NewWindow
New New
Next Next
Nodes Nodes
Norton Norton
Note Note
Notes Notes
Notification Notification
ObjectGroup ObjectGroup
ObjectUngroup ObjectUngroup
OfflineStorage OfflineStorage
Onedrive Onedrive
Opera Opera
Optimize Optimize
Oracle Oracle
Organization Organization
Overview Overview
Paint Paint
Pan Pan
PauseFill PauseFill
Pause Pause
Paypal Paypal
Performance Performance
PersonalComputer PersonalComputer
PieChart PieChart
PiedPiper PiedPiper
Pin Pin
Pinterest Pinterest
Plan Plan
PlayFill PlayFill
Play Play
Power Power
Previous Previous
Print Print
ProductHunt ProductHunt
RadialSelected RadialSelected
Radial Radial
Raspberry Raspberry
Reactjs Reactjs
Reddit Reddit
Redhat Redhat
Refresh Refresh
Resources Resources
Restaurant Restaurant
RestroomMen RestroomMen
RestroomWomen RestroomWomen
Restroom Restroom
Resume Resume
Revert Revert
Rewind Rewind
Risk Risk
Robot Robot
Rss Rss
Run Run
SafariOption SafariOption
Satellite Satellite
Save Save
Scan Scan
ScheduleNew ScheduleNew
SchedulePlay SchedulePlay
Schedule Schedule
Schedules Schedules
Sco Sco
Scorecard Scorecard
SearchAdvanced SearchAdvanced
Search Search
Secure Secure
Select Select
Selection Selection
Sematics Sematics
Send Send
ServerCluster ServerCluster
Server Server
Servers Servers
ServicePlay ServicePlay
Services Services
SettingsOption SettingsOption
ShareOption ShareOption
Share Share
ShieldSecurity ShieldSecurity
Shield Shield
Shift Shift
Shop Shop
Sidebar Sidebar
Sign Sign
Skype Skype
Slack Slack
Snapchat Snapchat
Solaris Solaris
Sort Sort
Spa Spa
Split Split
Splits Splits
Square Square
StackOverflow StackOverflow
Stakeholder Stakeholder
StarHalf StarHalf
Star Star
StatusCriticalOutline StatusCriticalOutline
StatusCriticalSmall StatusCriticalSmall
StatusCritical StatusCritical
StatusDisabledOutline StatusDisabledOutline
StatusDisabledSmall StatusDisabledSmall
StatusDisabled StatusDisabled
StatusGoodOutline StatusGoodOutline
StatusGoodSmall StatusGoodSmall
StatusGood StatusGood
StatusInfoOutline StatusInfoOutline
StatusInfoSmall StatusInfoSmall
StatusInfo StatusInfo
StatusPlaceholderOutline StatusPlaceholderOutline
StatusPlaceholderSmall StatusPlaceholderSmall
StatusPlaceholder StatusPlaceholder
StatusUnknownOutline StatusUnknownOutline
StatusUnknownSmall StatusUnknownSmall
StatusUnknown StatusUnknown
StatusWarningOutline StatusWarningOutline
StatusWarningSmall StatusWarningSmall
StatusWarning StatusWarning
StepsOption StepsOption
Steps Steps
StopFill StopFill
Stop Stop
Storage Storage
StreetView StreetView
Stripe Stripe
SubtractCircle SubtractCircle
Subtract Subtract
Support Support
Suse Suse
Swift Swift
Swim Swim
Sync Sync
System System
TableAdd TableAdd
Table Table
Tag Tag
TapeOption TapeOption
Tape Tape
Target Target
Task Task
Tasks Tasks
Technology Technology
Template Template
Terminal Terminal
TestDesktop TestDesktop
Test Test
TextWrap TextWrap
Threats Threats
ThreeDffects ThreeDffects
ThreeD ThreeD
Ticket Ticket
Tip Tip
Toast Toast
Tools Tools
Tooltip Tooltip
TopCorner TopCorner
Transaction Transaction
Trash Trash
TreeOption TreeOption
Tree Tree
Trigger Trigger
Trophy Trophy
Troubleshoot Troubleshoot
Tty Tty
Tumblr Tumblr
Turbolinux Turbolinux
Twitter Twitter
Ubuntu Ubuntu
Unixware Unixware
Unlink Unlink
Unlock Unlock
Up Up
Update Update
Upgrade Upgrade
Upload Upload
UserAdd UserAdd
UserAdmin UserAdmin
UserExpert UserExpert
UserFemale UserFemale
UserManager UserManager
UserNew UserNew
UserPolice UserPolice
UserSettings UserSettings
UserWorker UserWorker
User User
Validate Validate
Vend Vend
Video Video
View View
Vimeo Vimeo
VirtualMachine VirtualMachine
Visa Visa
VmMaintenance VmMaintenance
Vmware Vmware
VolumeControl VolumeControl
VolumeLow VolumeLow
VolumeMute VolumeMute
Volume Volume
Vulnerability Vulnerability
Waypoint Waypoint
WheelchairActive WheelchairActive
Wheelchair Wheelchair
WindowsLegacy WindowsLegacy
Windows Windows
Wordpress Wordpress
Workshop Workshop
Yoga Yoga
Youtube Youtube
ZoomIn ZoomIn
ZoomOut ZoomOut