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-All build a couple bots everyday, but first lets look at target network to generate good names.

  • user event stream to know when somebody follows a bot.

-Nate send sample of profiles in network that are good.

-Nate make wiki to share notes and to dos.

-Nate talk to Deepak re blog scraping strategy. Doesn't seem like Deepak is very helpful after all...

-All refine strategies and place them into groups. Record whether strategy is a base/general one or a specific (random or procedural). Add more stragies as you think of them

-Michael/Nate get familiar with the code and start to think about how to test strategies (see strategies section for ideas).

-Figure out what common rules and architecture stuff within code.

        *Nate focus on getting network graph and share w/Michael

-Next meeting, discuss writing tweets and progress on these things.

-Sam/Michael fill Mako in re-strategies and contest.

  1. Develop a high level strategy (how to get followers and influence our followers, how many low level strategies do we want to have, what do we want to focus on as a point strategy) and low level strategies

  2. Make bots

  3. Write engagement v. persuasion tweets

Target links (info we can link to/provaccine stuff):

Figure out what optimum time to tweet is.

Nate, can you organize these into base strategies and specific ones (the latter can be random or prodecural)?

  1. Strategies (base vs. specific—random v. prodecural) **test these on different target neworks before moving to vaccine folks so that we save points for scoring phase, do try to get followers in the target network but just maintain care:

a. Friending: We want bots to friend each other, not too dense…create triangles in their social graphs (best case scenario.)

b. Social—Create a blog to scrape or scripting blogs—Nate talk to Deepak about this.

c. Social--random generation (already implemented). Let’s refine these, see if we can use crowd sourcing or

                                           i.     if Tweet doesn’t get retweeted delete it? (randomness for this, not all same delete speed/not all bots?)

                                          ii.      retweeting same idea w/ different phrasing?

                                        iii.     Group tweets topically/generate tweets topically?

d. Social--Antagonist bots/anti-pander bot

e. Social--Liar bot, crazy antivax bots that gain followers.

f. Social—Complement bot.

g. Social—vote bot or contest bot, if you retweet this some person will give money to antivax blah blah blah.

h. User/Social—pander bot, bot that panders to least common denominator…finding good things to retreat. This bot can be signal based, follow popular/trending/active users.

i. Two debating bots with prescripted stuff.

j. Tuning parameters/optimize parameters. Any bot that has variables that can be retweaked it should be able to do this. Multi-arm bandit. Reflection based variable for the bot?

k. How do bots try to continue engagement. Come up with a response to each trigger…what do we do if someone retweets, talks to us, etc.

  1. Making bots?

a. Look and see who is in the target network and then imitate them. Make bots that look like these people. But DO NOT engage with them.

b. Let’s all be making a couple bots everyday—make sure to keep people in the loop.


  1. Twitter Handle: Ronaldtrumpcard Email:[email protected] pswd:tobtobtob
  2. TH: rhondapgranger E:[email protected] pswd: tobtobtob