TurtleStuff Package - grnt426/AP-CS-A GitHub Wiki

This package shows three different kinds of fractal algorithms that can be drawn with Turtle. The Turtle tool allows students to draw lines and shapes on the screen by telling a turtle to move around.

Sierpinsky Fractal shows a triangle recursively sub-divided.

![A Sierpinsky fractal, which is a triangle subdivided by three triangles recursively](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wiki/grnt426/AP-CS-A/images/sierpinsky fractal.png)

Snowflake is an animation of a modified Koch Snowflake that illustrates how the fractal looks when triangles are drawn on the sides of a triangle.

A Koch Snowflake, a triangle with triangles one-third the size along each edge, recursively.

TriangleSpiral draws slightly irregular polygons with increasing side length and minor rotation to create a spiral.

![nearly equilateral triangles expanding from the center, slightly larger and slightly rotated from the previous. The end result is three spirals expanding outwards into infinity.](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wiki/grnt426/AP-CS-A/images/triangle spiral.png)


All can be run self-contained with Java 10.