Siege Tool: results interpretation - grnet/e-science GitHub Wiki

Performance measures include elapsed time of the test, the amount of data transferred ( including headers ), the response time of the server, its transaction rate, its throughput, its concurrency and the number of times it returned OK.
These measures are quantified and reported at the end of each run.

   ** Siege 2.60
   ** Preparing 100 concurrent users for battle.
   The server is now under siege...done
   Transactions:                    339 hits
   Availability:                  93.39 %
   Elapsed time:                  67.47 secs
   Data transferred:            4273708 bytes
   Response time:                  8.25 secs
   Transaction rate:               5.02 trans/sec
   Throughput:                 63342.34 bytes/sec
   Concurrency:                   41.47
   Successful transactions:         337
   Failed transactions:              26
   Longest transaction:           17.77 secs
   Shortest transaction:           0.37 secs

          The  number  of  server hits.  In the example, 25 simulated users [ -c25 ]
          each hit the server 10 times [ -r10 ], a total of 250 transactions. It  is
          possible  for the number of transactions to exceed the number of hits that
          were scheduled. Siege counts every server hit a transaction,  which  means
          redirections  and  authentication  challenges  count as two hits, not one.
          With this regard, siege follows  the  HTTP  specification  and  it  mimics
          browser behavior.

          This  is  the percentage of socket connections successfully handled by the
          server. It is the result of socket failures (including  timeouts)  divided
          by  the  sum  of all connection attempts. This number does not include 400
          and 500 level server errors which are recorded  in  "Failed  transactions"
          described below.

   Elapsed time
          The duration of the entire siege test.  This is measured from the time the
          user invokes siege until the last simulated user  completes  its  transac‐
          tions.  Shown above, the test took 14.67 seconds to complete.

   Data transferred
          The  sum  of  data transferred to every siege simulated user.  It includes
          the header information as well as content.   Because  it  includes  header
          information,  the  number reported by siege will be larger then the number
          reported by the server. In internet mode, which hits random URLs in a con‐
          figuration file, this number is expected to vary from run to run.

   Response time
          The average time it took to respond to each simulated user's requests.

   Transaction rate
          The  average number of transactions the server was able to handle per sec‐
          ond, in a nutshell: transactions divided by elapsed time.

          The average number of bytes transferred every second from  the  server  to
          all the simulated users.

          The  average  number  of simultaneous connections, a number which rises as
          server performance decreases.

   Successful transactions
          The number of times the server responded with a return code < 400.

   Failed transactions
          The number of times the server responded with a return code  >=  400  plus
          the sum of all failed socket transactions which includes socket timeouts.

   Longest transaction
          The  greatest  amount of time that any single transaction took, out of all

   Shortest transaction
          The smallest amount of time that any single transaction took, out  of  all
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