Preparing for the Meetup - grjug/ChuckNorrisJokes GitHub Wiki

Preparing for the Meetup

This article should walk you through the steps to get up and running and ready to code at the Chuck Norris Hacking meetups.

Installing Android Studio

One of the first things you'll need to get hacking is to install Android Studio. Make sure you install the latest version of it from the website. Once you have installed it, open it, follow File -> Settings... and navigate to the Updates section from the sidebar menu. Make sure "Check for updates in channel" is set to "Beta Channel", and click the "Check Now" button. If prompted, click "Update and Restart". Congratulations! You now have the latest version of Android Studio!

Next up, open up the Android SDK Manager in Android Studio (it's the button that looks kind of like an android wearing a tie) and download the latest Android SDK Tools, Android SDK Build Tools, Android Support Repository, Android Support Library, and Google Repository. Accept all the license agreements and start the download. This may take a long time, so while you're waiting, you can move on to the next steps. Once this is done, Android Studio should have everything it needs to get moving.

Installing Git

If you are on a Mac or Linux, you will most likely already have git installed. I would highly recommend installing the latest version (2.0+) via Homebrew or your Linux package manager.

If you are on Windows, your options may be different, but there are a number of online tutorials for getting it set up. See Github's tutorial or Git-SCM's tutorial or just Google it.

Clone the Github Repository

If you don't already have one, sign up for a Github account.

Once you are signed in, fork the repository using your account. Once you forked the repository, you can clone it to your local computer. Start up your favorite git client (terminal is preferred), navigate to a directory where you want to keep your project, and run the following commands:

$ git clone [email protected]:<yourusername>/ChuckNorrisJokes.git
$ cd ChuckNorrisJokes
$ git remote add upstream

The above lines are explained below:

  1. Copy the repository to your local system in the directory ChuckNorrisJokes and add your Github fork as the remote named origin.
  2. Navigate into the directory containing the repository.
  3. Add the original grjug/ChuckNorrisJokes repository as the remote named upstream.

Open the project in Android Studio

Open Android Studio and import your project:

  1. Select File -> Import Project...
  2. Find the directory where you cloned your repository
  3. Select the ChuckNorrisJokes directory
  4. Click "OK"

Once your project is opened, it should start syncing with Gradle. If that runs successfully, you should be able to build the project and run it on your device!

Next Steps

  1. Read up on how to contribute.
  2. Learn about the jokes API.
  3. Come to the meetup
  4. Start contributing!