Configuration - grivkees/homebridge-carrier-infinity GitHub Wiki

How To

Method 1: Settings UI

  1. Open the graphical settings editor:

  2. Follow the instructions show on the settings page:

Method 2: Edit config.json

  "platforms": [
      "platform": "CarrierInfinity",
      "username": "USERNAME",
      "password": "PASSWORD,
      "holdBehavior": "activity",
      "holdArgument": "HH:MM",
      "showFanControl": True,
      "showOutdoorTemperatureSensor": False,
      "showIndoorHumiditySensors": False,
      "showZoneComfortActivityControls": False,


Account Login

If you have not already done so, you need to create an account and link it to your thermostat. You can create an account at these links:

Then enter the credentials for your Infinity Touch / Evolution Connex / Ion Comfort account that is linked to your thermostat as username and password.


Fan Control

Enabling the showFanControl option will show a HomeKit fan accessory that can be used to control the fan speed override of your system.

Fan is controlled using a slider with the following steps:

  1. Auto (0%)
  2. Always On Low (33%)
  3. Always On Medium (66%)
  4. Always On High (100%)

Like with making temperature changes, using the fan override will place your system in a manual hold. Use holdBehavior to set how manual holds interact with activity schedules.

Hold Behavior

Control how changes made via HomeKit interact with the activity schedules of your thermostat.

  • activity: Changes made via HomeKit will persist until the beginning of the next scheduled activity. Then scheduled activities will resume.
  • until_x: Changes made via HomeKit will persist until the time HH:MM. Then scheduled activities will resume. (Set time via holdArgument setting.)
  • for_x: Changes made via HomeKit will persist for HH:MM from now. Then scheduled activities will resume. (Set time via holdArgument setting.)
  • forever: Changes made via HomeKit will persist indefinitely. Scheduled activities will not resume until you remove the manual hold via the thermostat.

Activity Controls

Enabling the showZoneComfortActivityControls option will show Touch-n-Go controls for comfort activities and manual holds for your thermostats. These controls will appear in HomeKit as an accessory with multiple toggle switches.


Outdoor Air Temperature

Enabling the showOutdoorTemperatureSensor option will show a HomeKit sensor accessory that reports the outdoor air temperature seen by your system.

Environment Sensors

Enabling the showIndoorHumiditySensors option will show a discrete HomeKit accessory for the thermostat's humidity sensor (as opposed to only being shown as part of the thermostat accessory in HomeKit).