How to Install - gritz99/SOAP GitHub Wiki

  1. Copy the file and the install.php file into a new directory on your server

  2. Open the install.php file in your browser. For example, if the .php file was put in a directory labeled "ARG" the url will be On this page, you should see fields where you will enter database information.

  3. Enter your "Database server address"*

  4. Enter your "Database user name"*

  5. Enter your "Database user password"*

  6. Enter your "Database name"*

*To retrieve your database info, you must access your MySql information from your host provider

  1. Press "Enter DB Info" to enter this data. The next screen you see will ask you to enter an admin username and email address.

  2. Enter any username and email address. Please use an actual email address to test functionality.

  3. The next screen you see will give you a set of instructions. Follow these instructions to complete the game setup.