Coming from Synapse? - grinapo/charybdis GitHub Wiki

If you're already familar with Synapse, the official reference server written in Python there are a lot you're already know. Here are some potentially useful information about The Construct:


Any user can join system rooms and wreak havoc. Do not put up an open sytem.


The configuration is not stored in config files but in the (RocksDB) database. The configuration of the server happens when entering the console (CTRL-C) after start: the configuration you enter immediately get stored in the database, and will be remembered on next start. Same effect can be reached by joining the room !control:SERVERNAME and type the commands there.

You can finetune configuration by using the conf command.

You can also directly change the configuration by environment variables of the format ircd_conf_*config_variable_name*=*value*, especially if you happen to screw it up and can't get into console anymore.

  • well-known
  • threads
  • memory
  • room bootstrap
  • backfills
  • reaction on dead matrix servers in a room
  • state of encryption suport in the sever
  • common features missing or not well tested