Setting up the networks - griffinsnest/tech-Jorunal-1 GitHub Wiki

Setting up the networks

Now that we have all of the needed addresses, we now have properly set up the networks. In this case, we'll need 6 different computers/laptops(either works) separated into three groups of 2, then wee need 3 individual switches and routers one for each group of computers. Now onto the actual setup, first delegate which group of these computers will be Foster. After doing so, connect, with the normal black connection wires, from the two computer's FastEithernet ports to the first two fastEthernet ports on the switch. Then do the same between the switch and it's router, though this time using the gigabit ports. Now for addressing, the first usable address, that we find in the other article for this lab, is always given to the router of the subnet. Also for late it important to know how to have Serial ports available on the routers, for more information on this section please go to the next section of this wiki article. For the subnet mask of this and all other devices in this lab remember that /27 network like all of the subnets in this lab, is Also make sure the port status option on the gigabitEthernetPort is check on for this and any other router. For the computers of the subnet, make the first one have an IP address of the next available address after the first available address used on the router, so basically the first usable address + 1. On the other laptop use the already calculated last possible address of the network as its IP address, and the subnet mask for both being the aforementioned one used on the router. Now before going onto the next subnet, make sure you don't run into the same issue I ran into when testing the lab, and make sure for both computers on EVERY NETWORK to make the default getaway of the IP configuration tab to be equal to the IP address of the router for both, or else it will run into errors when testing. Once you properly set up the first three networks (Foster, Joyce, and SKiff), we move onto the Serial Connections. To the first connection between the Skiff network and the Foster network, you must now connect them with the red Serial DCE cables(the one with a clock next it), connecting them with through the newly added Serial ports. Now before going onto the next connection, you'll need to properly set up the ports. Firstly, once again make sure you have the port status option checked for both ports, then make sure that the Clock Rate drop down menu is set to the same number, in this labs case 64000. Now we get to the IP configuration of the network, it doesn't really matter which is done first but one of two routers has to be set up using the first usable address of the network you calculated for the this specific connection, and then simply have the IP address of the port on the other router be any other usable address available in the subnet. Then simply repeat the process for the Skiff to Joyce network simply using the IP addresses from the final subnet calculated.

Setting up the Serial Ports on the Router

To set up the serial ports on the routers, simply click on a router and go to the Physical tab. From here on the physical model of the router find and flip the power button, we've gone over where this is in previous articles, to turn it off. Now that the router is off you can click on the large grey/silver block at the lower left of the window and drag it to the large black holes in the back of the router. This is a representation of inserting a 2 port multi-protocol Synchronous Serial NIM to the router. After doing this simply turn on the router and you'll have successfully integrated two separate Serial ports to the router.