MVP List - griffinsharp/kicker GitHub Wiki

MVP List

Kicker, a Kickstarter clone, is a crowdfunding application that allows users to collectively help get innovative sneaker related projects, products, and services to the market. If the project receives full funding by the end of its campaign, project backers receive a tiered reward contingent on the amount they pledged. Sneakerheads, rejoice!

1. Hosting on Heroku (11/04/2019)

2. New account creation, login, and guest/demo login (11/04/2019, 2 days)

  • Users can sign up, sign in, log out
  • Users can use a demo login to try the site
  • Users can't use certain features without logging in (creating & backing projects)

3. Projects (11/06/2019, 3 days)

  • Logged in users can create projects
  • Projects have a summary consisting of a pledge goal, amount of backers, and days left
  • Project info is organized into tabs, including campaign

4. Backing Projects & Rewards (11/11/2019, 2 days)

  • Logged in users can back multiple projects
  • Users can select from multiple tiers and pledge amounts
  • Contributing to a project updates the total pledged amount

5. Search (11/13/2019, 1 day)

  • Functional search by categories and location

6. Categories & Discover Feature (11/14/2019, 1 day)

  • Pop-up modal for easy access to certain searches, categories, and locations.
  • Each category accessible via navigation bar on home page that links to its associated projects

7. A production README (11/15/2019, 0.5 days)