Meter_gen Config Climats - gridpocket/project-iostack GitHub Wiki

The climat.json file is used by meter_gen to arrange consumption depending on the climat zone and seasons.

The file is formatted like following:

      "coldS": {"RatioAvg": 0.66,"RatioStddev": 1.24},
      "hotS": { ... }
    "$climatName2": { ... },

      "$climatName1":[ "$region1", "$region2", ... ],
      "$climatName2":[ ... ],
    "$countryID2": { ... },

$climatName are representing a climat zone, like Mediterranean or Continental for example.
$countryID is the 3 letters ISO denomination for country, like FRA or USA for example.
$region are Region id; for France, are 01 to 95, 971 to 976 or 2A, 2B for example.

The Meter_gen only allows CountryID FRA for now.
$region need to be equivalent at column region of locations file. $climatName can be set as everything you want, but all $climatName referenced in climateZone.$countryID should be referenced in $climats field in the climat.json file.

There should have no $region values present multiple times in a same $countryID (in this case, Meter_gen will pick one of the climates where $region is randomly)

coldS is corresponding to Cold season consumption (November to March).
hotS is corresponding to Hot season consumption (April to October).

coldS and hotS have 2 fields RatioAvg and RatioStddev.
When generating consumption data, the consumption average will be multiplied by the value of RatioAvg, and the consumption standard deviation will be multiplied by RatioStddev value, before choosing consumption value using normal curve random with computed average and standard deviation.

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