Meter_gen Changelog - gridpocket/project-iostack GitHub Wiki

Major Version 4

(Change of command line parsing and use of config files)

Minor Version 4.2

Update 4.2.0

2017, August the 17th

  • Added GO version (before was only Javascript)
  • Renamed startID to firstID to improve consitency (startID is always existing but now deprecated)
  • Renamed beginDate to firstDate (beginDate is always existing but now deprecated)
  • Renamed endDate to lastDate (endDate is always existing but now deprecated)
  • Added files to do compile/install tasks independamently to the implementation
  • Added files to execute different implementations of meter_gen the same way

Minor Version 4.1

Update 4.1.3

2017, June the 19th

  • Fix already existing folder problem (when using paralel computation)

Update 4.1.2

2017, June the 9th

  • Generated file names now using templatable notation in out option.
  • Removed separateDataBy, data will automatically be separated depending on the file name (following out option template)
  • Debug print maximum 5 times per seconds, avoiding loosing time on printing when many fast treatments.
  • Fixed bug when folder where to generate data already exists.

Update 4.1.1

2017, June the 6th

  • Removed fileNameExt option, now included in out option.

Update 4.1.0

2017, June the 5th

  • Generated file name changed as DD-MM-YYYY-NN-ext, with DD-MM-YYYY is recording date, NN is file number and ext the file extension (like .csv)
  • Added fileNameExt option to specify generated file names and extention
  • Changed out option to specify only the path to generated file
  • separateDataBy and maxFileSize options now can be used together

Minor Version 4.0

Update 4.0.2

2017, May the 17th

  • Renamed everithing relative to longitude: lng (was lon, long, ln, lng... everywhere different)
  • MetersType is now an option (without option is equivalent to mixed)

Update 4.0.1

2017, May the 12th

  • Added temperature generation, using meteo config file
  • Help message extracted out of javascript file
  • Fixed consumption interpolation for months (was inverted)

Update 4.0.0

2017, May the 5th

  • Command line format changed: Any parameter is like optional (-metersNumber, -beginDate, -endDate, -interval)
  • Added debug printing option for showing progress and memory usage, by default, printing nothing
  • Added constant to reduce small town sensors location radius
  • Usage of configuration file containing command line parameters
  • Renamed separateFile option as separateDataBy

Major Version 3

(Change of main project developper)

Minor Version 3.3

Update 3.3.1

2017, May the 2nd

  • Added progress printing for monitoring progress, generated file size, and memory usage

Update 3.3.0

2017, April the 28th

  • Added maxFileSize option
  • Added startID and lastID options
  • Added working test to test meter_gen with or without options

Minor Version 3.1

2017, April the 26th

  • Fixed separateFile option

Major Version 3

2017, April the 26th

  • Hard Refactor of meter_gen
  • Increasing meter_gen speed
  • Fixed multiple errors of meter_gen
  • Extracted configurations to config files
  • Rewrite of method to choose meters locations

Older versions not recorded

No more information

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