Official Features - griderd/Jebnix GitHub Wiki

This document applies to the compiled version of Jebnix only.

Language Features

KerboScript (Version 0.9.2) Keywords and Commands

System Operations

  • REBOOT - Not implemented
  • SHUTDOWN - Not implemented

Flow Control

  • IF - Done
  • RUN - Done
  • UNTIL - Done
  • WAIT - Not implemented
  • WAIT UNTIL - Not implemented
  • ON [event] - Not implemented
  • WHEN... THEN - Not implemented
  • BREAK - Done

Manipulating Booleans

  • [bool] ON|OFF - Not implemented
  • TOGGLE [bool] - Not implemented

File System Operations

  • COPY [file] TO|FROM [volume] - Done
  • DELETE - Not Implemented
  • RENAME VOLUME|FILE... TO - Not implemented
  • SWITCH TO - Not implemented

Memory Operations

  • DECLARE - Not implemented
  • DECLARE PARAMETER - Not implemented
  • LOCK - Done
  • UNLOCK - Done
  • SET... TO - Done

I/O Operations

  • LIST - Not implemented
  • LOG - Not implemented
  • PRINT - Not implemented
  • PRINT... AT - Not implemented


  • EDIT - Not implemented

Maneuver Node Operations

  • ADD - Not implemented
  • REMOVE - Not implemented

Craft Operations

  • WARP - Not implemented
  • STAGE - Not implemented

KerboScript++ Keywords and Commands

System Operations

  • MEMDUMP - Not implemented

Flow Control

  • RETURN - Not implemented
  • FUNCTION - Not implemented
  • FOR - Not implemented
  • FOREACH - Not implemented
  • WHILE - Done
  • DO... WHILE - Done
  • IF... ELSE IF... ELSE - Done

Memory Operations

  • DECLARE LOCAL - Not implemented
  • SET LOCAL... TO - Not implemented
  • DECLARE ARRAY - Not implemented
  • ENUM - Not implemented
  • DECLARE LOCAL ARRAY - Not implemented


  • DEBUG - Not implemented

Exception Handling

  • TRY... CATCH - Not Implemented
  • THROW - Not Implemented


Binary operators

  • + (Addition) - Done
  • - (Subtraction) - Done
  • * (Multiplication) - Done
  • / (Division) - Done
  • % (Modulus) - Done
  • & (AND) - Not implemented
  • | (OR) - Not implemented
  • ^ (Power) - Not implemented

Unary operators

  • ! (NOT) - Not implemented
  • + (Positive) - Not implemented
  • - (Negative) - Not implemented

Other Language Features

  • Variable Scope - Not Implemented