real demo - griddynamics/mpl GitHub Wiki
This demo will show how to prepare a useful MPL pipeline for a kubernetes jenkins environment and support infrastructure (git service, artifact storage).
We will use minikube
, gitea
, nexus
, jenkins
, unit and parallel integration tests, common
lifecycle dev
-> qa
-> prod
Uses a modified petclinic example:
- This is just an example of the infrastructure - it doesn't have a proper security enforcement (but could be easily added).
- All the variables we entering manually here are set by default in the preconfiguration - so if you want to change something grep and change the configs first.
- Make sure you have enough resources: I executed the example on the instance with 8vCPU and 16GB of RAM.
We will use kubernetes to simplify the envs separation and use the better jenkins agents.
- Install kubectl & minikube - there is a number of ways, but for MacOS it's better to use
Docker Desktop
, for linux and for windows: If you using linux - make sure your
directory is mounted with nonoexec
. That's needed for PVC's that uses/tmp/hostpath-provisioner
directory to store the dirs. Otherwise the applications requires execution on their data (git uses exec hooks in the repos) will fail.
- If you using linux - make sure your
- Setup kubernetes dashboard - it's useful for monitoring and showing what's happening on the
cluster. Choose the right version for your minikube (install could be different depends on the
version you're going to use):
$ KUBE_DB_VERSION=v2.0.0 $ kubectl apply -f${KUBE_DB_VERSION}/aio/deploy/recommended.yaml namespace/kubernetes-dashboard created serviceaccount/kubernetes-dashboard created service/kubernetes-dashboard created secret/kubernetes-dashboard-certs created secret/kubernetes-dashboard-csrf created secret/kubernetes-dashboard-key-holder created configmap/kubernetes-dashboard-settings created created created created created deployment.apps/kubernetes-dashboard created service/dashboard-metrics-scraper created deployment.apps/dashboard-metrics-scraper created
- Apply the service admin-user account to access dashboard:
$ kubectl apply -f k8s-components/01-dahsboard-access.yaml serviceaccount/admin-user created created
- Setup the namespaces we will use for our infrastructure and applications:
$ kubectl apply -f k8s-components/02-namespaces.yaml namespace/example-infra created namespace/example-dev created namespace/example-qa created namespace/example-prod created
- Start local proxy to access the kubernetes services:
$ kubectl proxy
- You can login to the k8s dasboard using token from the next command and url:
$ kubectl -n kubernetes-dashboard describe secret $(kubectl -n kubernetes-dashboard get secret | grep admin-user | awk '{print $1}') <output with token will be printed here>
- Check that the namespaces was created on the dashboard
Ok, now we have a solid base for our system. Next we need to install the components will help us to setup the infrastructure.
This small git server will help us to trigger the jenkins jobs when there some changes will come.
- Setup simple gitea git server (downloading of the image could take some time)
$ kubectl apply -f k8s-components/03-gitea-pvc.yaml,k8s-components/03-gitea.yaml persistentvolumeclaim/gitea-data-pvc created service/git-service created statefulset.apps/gitea-app created
- Gitea working not well with proxy, so - port-forwarding:
$ kubectl -n example-infra port-forward service/gitea-service 3000:web Forwarding from -> 3000 Forwarding from [::1]:3000 -> 3000
- Configure gitea: go to http://localhost:3000/install
- Select SQLite3 database
- Go to
Server and Third-Party Service Settings
and selectEnable Local Mode
- Go to
Administrator Account Settings
and create "git-admin" account - Click
Will store our maven artifacts right after the build.
- Install nexus3 artifact server (downloading of the image could take some time)
$ kubectl apply -f k8s-components/04-nexus-pvc.yaml,k8s-components/04-nexus.yaml persistentvolumeclaim/nexus-data-pvc created service/nexus-service created statefulset.apps/nexus-app created
- Run the port forwarding (nexus UI don't like proxy, make sure
is installed on linux)$ kubectl -n example-infra port-forward service/nexus-service 4000:web Forwarding from -> 8080 Forwarding from [::1]:4000 -> 8080
- Login and setup nexus:
- Go to the nexus web page and click
Sign In
button: http://localhost:4000/ - Use dashboard
Exec into Pod
button ordocker exec
command to cat the/nexus-data/admin.password
file on the container - Change admin password
- Set
Enable anonymous access
- Go to the nexus web page and click
- Add jenkinsci repository proxy (we need it to build shared libraries):
- Go to repositories: http://localhost:4000/#admin/repository/repositories
- Click
Create repository
button - Select "maven2 (proxy)"
- Set
"jenkinsci" - Set
Remote storage
to "" - Click
Create repository
button at the bottom - Go to "maven-public" group: http://localhost:4000/#admin/repository/repositories:maven-public
- Add "jenkinsci" to
list - Click
button at the bottom
- Create new role to handle jenkins access:
- Go to roles settings: http://localhost:4000/#admin/security/roles
- Click
Create role
and select "Nexus role" item - Set
Role ID
andRole name
to "jenkins-deploy" - Move
available item "nx-repository-view-*-*-*" toGiven
field - Click
Create role
button to save the new role
- Add jenkins user to jenkins-deploy role:
- Go to users settings: http://localhost:4000/#admin/security/users
- Click on
Create local user
button - Set
to "jenkins-deploy" - Select
"Active" - Move role "jenkins-deploy" to
- Set the other req fields as you like
- Click to
Create local user
button to save the new user
We will use jenkinsBro to simplify the installation:
- Clone the jenkinsBro repository:
$ git clone
- Modify the plugins.txt list with required plugins for our pipelines:
- config-file-provider - maven global settings
- kubernetes - cloud to run ondemand agents
- gogs-webhook - automatically trigger builds from gitea git changes (we will use it to build MPL)
- pipeline-utility-steps - contains useful parser pipeline steps (for pom files for example)
- custom-tools-plugin - used for custom tools: kaniko
$ echo "config-file-provider\nkubernetes\ngogs-webhook\npipeline-utility-steps\ncustom-tools-plugin" >> ./jenkinsbro/plugins.txt
- Build the image of the latest jenkins LTS - it will generate
image:$ ./jenkinsbro/ lts
- Install jenkins to the example-infra namespace (yaml file contains preconfiguration, it's a good
idea to read it):
$ kubectl apply -f k8s-components/05-jenkins-pvc.yaml,k8s-components/05-jenkins.yaml persistentvolumeclaim/jenkins-data-pvc created service/jenkins-service created configmap/jenkinsbro-config created statefulset.apps/jenkins-app created
We will use slightly advanced kubernetes agent pod - it will be built from 2 containers: jnlp and worker. This is needed for a simple thing - to properly limit the memory consumed by the workload and to make sure agent will not be killed by kubernetes if workload will exceed the memory limit. BTW container will use jnlp agent provided by our jenkins master.
- Build the image of jnlp agent available in the real-demo directory:
$ docker build -t jenkins-agent-jnlp k8s-build/jenkins-agent-jnlp
Ok, we prepared the base infrastructure and now need to fill it with some useful stuff. Since this example is about MPL, we will create the nested shared library with our overrides to build the simple MPL self-build example and store it in nexus to use later.
We will need a mirror of the MPL repository (to make sure internet shutdown will not affect us)
- Open gitea: http://localhost:3000/
- Create example organization:
- Click on
+ Create
menu - Select
New Organization
item - Set
Organization Name
to "example-org" - Click
Create Organization
- Click on
- Create mirror of the MPL repo in the example-org:
- Click on
+ Create
menu - Select
New Migration
item - Set
to "example-org" - Set
Clone From URL
to "" - Enable
Migration Type
flag - we're not going to modify this repo - Click
Migrate Repository
- Click on
We can't use the default MPL build in our infrastructure, so we have to create an additional nested shared library with a number of overrides.
- Open gitea: http://localhost:3000/
- Create new repo to store our example project cicd lib:
- Click on
+ Create
menu - Select
New Repository
item - Set
to "example-org" - Set
Repository Name
to "example-cicd" - Click on
Create Repository
- Click on
- Prepare and push the shared lib:
- Init git repo in the existing shared library dir
$ git init example-cicd Initialized empty Git repository in example-cicd/.git/
- Commit the existing workspace files
$ git -C example-cicd add . $ git -C example-cicd commit . -m 'Init'
- Run the port forwarding to push the data (make sure
is installed on linux)$ kubectl -n example-infra port-forward service/git-service 3000:web Forwarding from -> 3000 Forwarding from [::1]:3000 -> 3000
- Add remote and push the commit
$ git -C example-cicd remote add origin "http://localhost:3000/example-org/example-cicd.git" $ git -C example-cicd push -u origin master Handling connection for 3000 Username for 'http://localhost:3000': git-admin Password for 'http://git-admin@localhost:3000': Counting objects: 59, done. Delta compression using up to 48 threads. Compressing objects: 100% (42/42), done. Writing objects: 100% (59/59), 13.20 KiB | 1.47 MiB/s, done. Total 59 (delta 2), reused 0 (delta 0) To http://localhost:3000/example-org/example-cicd.git * [new branch] master -> master Branch 'master' set up to track remote branch 'master' from 'origin' by rebasing.
- Init git repo in the existing shared library dir
Ok, now we're ready to actually setup the pipeline - let's start with minimal MPL build: we need the artifacts stored in nexus to move forward.
- Run the port forwarding (make sure
is installed on linux)$ kubectl -n example-infra port-forward service/jenkins-service 8089:web Forwarding from -> 8080 Forwarding from [::1]:8089 -> 8080
- Go to Jenkins: http://localhost:8089/
- Create new job "mpl-master" type "Pipeline"
- Enable
Branch Filter
and set "master" - In the
Pipeline script
put the next content:@Library('example-cicd') _ ExampleProjectPipeline { git = [ url: 'http://git-service/example-org/mpl', branch: 'master', ] // Disabling not needed stages modules.Deploy = null modules.Test = null }
- Save the job "mpl-master"
- Enable
- Set the gogs webhook:
- Go to gitea mpl repo webhooks settings: http://localhost:3000/example-org/mpl/settings/hooks
- Click
Add Webhook
, select "Gogs" item - Set
Payload URL
to "http://jenkins-service/gogs-webhook/?job=mpl-master" - Click
Add Webhook
- Go into the created webhook and click
Test Delivery
button at the bottom - Go back to the jenkins "mpl-master" job: http://localhost:8085/job/mpl-master/ and see how build is executing
The example shared library we uploaded contains a number of tests, so we will compile and execute unit tests for each change of the library. Let's create example-cicd-build jenkins job and setup the required hooks:
- Go to Jenkins: http://localhost:8085/
- Create new job "example-cicd-build" type "Multibranch Pipeline"
- Add "Git" to the
Branch Sources
- Set
Project Repository
"http://git-service/example-org/example-cicd" - Click
button at the bottom - after that multibranch job will check the available branches and start the master build
- Add "Git" to the
- Set the gitea webhook - it will trigger changes build using the git plugin:
- Go to gitea example-cicd repo webhooks settings: http://localhost:3000/example-org/example-cicd/settings/hooks
- Click
Add Webhook
, select "Gogs" item - Set
Payload URL
to "http://jenkins-service/git/notifyCommit?url=http://git-service/example-org/example-cicd" - Click
Add Webhook
Now we need an application that we could build, deploy, test and move through the release process
and environments. We will take a slightly modified petclinic application (as we've used in the
- Create new repo to store our petclinic sources:
- Go into
- Click
Create Repository
button - Set
Repository Name
to "petclinic" - Click on
Create Repository
- Go into
- Prepare and push petclinic sources:
- Init git repo in the existing petclinic dir
$ git init petclinic Initialized empty Git repository in petclinic/.git/
- Commit the existing workspace files
$ git -C petclinic add . $ git -C petclinic commit . -m 'Init'
- Add remote and push the commit
$ git -C petclinic remote add origin http://localhost:3000/example-org/petclinic.git $ git -C petclinic push -u origin master Counting objects: 187, done. Delta compression using up to 8 threads. Compressing objects: 100% (172/172), done. Writing objects: 100% (187/187), 176.47 KiB | 4.52 MiB/s, done. Total 187 (delta 40), reused 0 (delta 0) remote: Resolving deltas: 100% (40/40), done. To http://localhost:3000/example-org/petclinic.git * [new branch] master -> master Branch 'master' set up to track remote branch 'master' from 'origin' by rebasing.
- Init git repo in the existing petclinic dir
Ok, we have the application, but to pack it to docker image with k8s - we need a special tool named kaniko. It can build docker image without any access to docker daemon, means we can use it in unprevileged docker container (good for security indeed).
Unfortunately it's oficially distributed only as a docker image, so extracting of the tool will take some time.
- Create the kaniko container:
$ docker create --name kaniko Unable to find image '' locally v0.19.0: Pulling from kaniko-project/executor c30f0b4c9053: Pull complete ed36162ea2d3: Pull complete 934aba279703: Pull complete 958c06b88e30: Pull complete 9fa803ac1ec6: Pull complete 03a44a7314d7: Pull complete 861e678c6f4c: Pull complete e60dcc1bf57d: Pull complete Digest: sha256:66be3f60f22b571faa82e0aaeb94731217ba0c58ac4a3b062bc84c6d8d545213 Status: Downloaded newer image for 31b512e80ec112293978b6eca12bd7e193c95e6bbcfb8c80f142e8e724321ab5
- Copy the executor to the local fs:
$ docker cp kaniko:/kaniko/executor /tmp/kaniko
- Delete the docker container:
$ docker rm kaniko
- Pack the kaniko binary to a zip archive:
$ zip -9 -j /tmp/ /tmp/kaniko
- Upload the archive to nexus:
$ curl -u jenkins-deploy:jenkins-deploy --upload-file /tmp/ http://localhost:4000/repository/maven-releases/
- Make sure the custom tool
is already created in the global tools of Jenkins - jenkinsbro and our k8s component contains all the required logic and config to setup it.
We will need a private repository to store our built docker images
- Go to repositories: http://localhost:4000/#admin/repository/repositories
- Click
Create repository
button - Select "docker (hosted)" item
- Set
"docker-registry" - Set
flag and enter port "5000" - Click
Create repository
button at the bottom
- Go to Jenkins: http://localhost:8085/
- Create new job "petclinic-build" type "Multibranch Pipeline"
- Add "Git" to the
Branch Sources
- Set
Project Repository
"http://git-service/example-org/petclinic" - Click
button at the bottom - after that multibranch job will check the available branches and start the master build
- Add "Git" to the
- Set the gitea webhook - it will trigger changes build using the git plugin:
- Go to gitea petclinic repo webhooks settings: http://localhost:3000/example-org/petclinic/settings/hooks
- Click
Add Webhook
, select "Gogs" item - Set
Payload URL
to "http://jenkins-service/git/notifyCommit?url=http://git-service/example-org/petclinic" - Click
Add Webhook