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The main ionospheric trough is a key density feature in the mid-latitude ionosphere and characterizing its structure is important for understanding GPS radio signal scintillation and HF wave propagation. While a number of previous studies have statistically investigated the properties of the trough, they have only examined its cross sections along the paths of polar orbiting satellites, and have not considered the instantaneous two-dimensional structure of the trough. In this work, we developed an automatic optimization-based method for identifying the trough in TEC maps and statistically examined two-dimensional structure of the trough. Specifically, we investigated how Kp affects the trough’s occurrence probability at different local times. At low Kp, the trough tends to form in the postmidnight sector, and with increasing Kp, the trough occurrence probability increases and shifts premidnight. We hypothesize that this is due to increased occurrence of troughs formed by subauroral polarization streams (SAPS).