Nemerle - gregorymorrison/euler1 GitHub Wiki

From Wikipedia: Nemerle is a general-purpose high-level statically typed programming language for the .NET platform. It offers functional, object-oriented and imperative features. It has a simple C#-like syntax and a powerful metaprogramming system. Nemerle, introduced in 2003, has optional typing, optional classes, optional functions. You can write your code in C# style, ML style, etc.

I didn't have too bad a time writing this version of Euler1; it's a direct translation of my [Standard ML]( standard-ml) version. It took maybe an hour to get the compiler to stop complaining:

// Euler1 in Nemerle
using System.Console;

def Euler1(x: int, acc=0: int): int {
    match (x) {
      | 1             => acc
      | x when x%3==0 => Euler1(x-1, acc+x)
      | x when x%5==0 => Euler1(x-1, acc+x)
      | _             => Euler1(x-1, acc)

WriteLine( Euler1(999) );

And here's an OOP version. I modified just enough of my first C# version to get it to compile. It's mostly the same, though by default member variables are constant and need to be declared mutable:

// Euler1 in Nemerle
using System.Console;

class Euler1 {
    mutable size : int;
    mutable result : int;

    public this(size : int) {
        this.size = size;

    public solve() : void {
        this.result = 0;
        foreach (i in [1 .. size]) {
            when (i%3==0 || i%5==0) {
                this.result = this.result + i;

    static Main() : void {
        def euler1 = Euler1(999);

To execute, I used Mono.  I simply used Yum to install mono-basic.i686. Then, I compiled my code with Nemerle's compiler ncc and executed it with mono:

$ ncc euler1.n

$ mono out.exe