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Dasein Cloud vCloud is an implementation of the Dasein Cloud Core API for both the vCloud platform and public clouds based on that platform. Your applications should be written against the core Dasein Cloud API with no specific references to this project except the Maven runtime dependency.

Project Information

Release Status

Active Branches

  • master: 2013.04.1-SNAPSHOT
  • develop: 2014.03-SNAPSHOT
  • 2013.07: 2013.07.4-SNAPSHOT
  • 2013.02: 2013.02.3-SNAPSHOT
  • 2013.04: 2013.04.1-SNAPSHOT

Validated Clouds and Versions

Dasein Cloud vCloud should work against any vCloud-based cloud even if your target cloud isn't listed here. This list only specified the clouds against which the dasein-cloud-test tests have been executed.

Supported Versions

  • 1.5 (known bug with template building due to vCloud 1.5 bug)
  • 5.1

Deprecated Versions

The following versions may work with Dasein Cloud, but they are untested.

  • 0.8
  • 0.9

Public Clouds