Project Pass Fail - greenriver/hmis-warehouse GitHub Wiki


The Project Pass/Fail Report provides a basic overview of project data quality based on four measures. These measures include Bed Utilization Rate, Unit Utilization Rate, Universal Data Elements (UDEs) Error Rate, and Average Days to Enter Enrollments.

Thresholds are established for each measure of this report and can be configured locally. To update a goal, navigate to Admin Dashboard> Site Config> Reporting Options> Project Pass/Fail Report.

The thresholds will display at the top of the report. The name of the measure itself will display as green if the result passes and red if it fails.


The Project Pass Fail Report uses the Simple Universe Selection.


1. Viewing Reports

A report will be generated below the report prompts. After the report is marked as complete, there is a blue hyperlink that will take you to the report. Completed reports are also available through a direct link sent via email.

2. Selected Universe

The report parameters display the results of the selected universe.

alt_text Figure 1. Example of selected universe

3. Thresholds

The list of thresholds configured for the report is listed for each measure.

alt_text Figure 2. Example of thresholds displayed at the top of the report

4. Pass/Fail Measures

The result of each measure is displayed by project and the overall universe selection. An icon and result is associated with each measure. Based on the selected thresholds, measures in green pass and measures in red fail.

  • Bed Utilization Rate - The average number of clients per day divided by the average bed inventory during the timeframe. The utilization rate must be between the minimum and maximum thresholds in order to pass.
  • Unit Utilization Rate - The average number of households per day divided by the average unit inventory during the timeframe. The average unit inventory is the sum of unit inventory available during the timeframe, prorated for the time the inventory was available. The utilization rate must be between the minimum and maximum thresholds in order to pass.
  • All Universal Data Element Error Rates Within Threshold? - A yes/no calculation determines if any of the UDEs exceed the error rate threshold. This measure displays a red ‘X’ if there are any UDEs with an error rate greater than the threshold. The measure displays a green checkmark if all the UDEs with an error rate are below the threshold. To identify which UDEs have a high error rate, click on the Details dropdown.
  • Average Days to Enter Enrollments - The average time between EntryDate and DateCreated.

alt_text Figure 3. Example of Pass/Fail Measures

5. Details

  • Clients Served - The number of clients with an active enrollment during the time period.
  • Clients Entering - The number of clients entering into the project.
  • Days of Service - A sum of the all client services.
  • Days in Range - The number of days within the reporting period.
  • Average Available Beds per Day - The sum of bed inventory available during the timeframe, prorated for the time the inventory was available.
  • Name - Errors as calculated in the APR Question 6 for the project in question.
  • SSN - Errors as calculated in the APR Question 6 for the project in question.
  • DOB - Errors as calculated in the APR Question 6 for the project in question.
  • Race - Errors as calculated in the APR Question 6 for the project in question.
  • Ethnicity - Errors as calculated in the APR Question 6 for the project in question.
  • Gender - Errors as calculated in the APR Question 6 for the project in question.
  • Veteran - Errors as calculated in the APR Question 6 for the project in question.
  • Entry Date - Errors as calculated in the APR Question 6 for the project in question.
  • Relationship to HoH - Errors as calculated in the APR Question 6 for the project in question.
  • Location - Errors as calculated in the APR Question 6 for the project in question.
  • Disabling Condition - Errors as calculated in the APR Question 6 for the project in question.
  • Minimum Days to Enter - The minimum days to enter data for clients entering a project.
  • Maximum Days to Enter - The maximum days to enter data for clients entering a project.

alt_text Figure 4. Example of Pass/Fail Details

6. Client Details

Click on the Client Details within the Details section to access this section. In the Client Details, each client is listed as a row in the table view and includes the data points used within the report. The hyperlink on the client’s name will take you to their Client Dashboard in the warehouse. The Client Details can be used to identify information that is null, missing, or are outliers in the report.

alt_text Figure 5. Example of Client Details