Project Data Quality Report - greenriver/hmis-warehouse GitHub Wiki


The Project Data Quality Report provides information related to Project Descriptors, Enrollments, Bed Utilization, Unit Utilization, Data Completeness, Timeliness, and Outcomes for each project selected in the filters.

There are Goals added throughout sections of this report that can be configured locally. To update a goal, navigate to Admin Dashboard> Site Config> Reporting Options> Project Data Quality Report.


The Project Data Quality Report uses the Project Search Universe Selection.


1. Viewing Reports

A report will be generated for each project selected with the filters. A list of generated reports can be found by clicking on View Previous Reports in the top right corner. To view the report click on the Date Range associated with the project. Project Group reports are located at the bottom of the screen.

alt_text Figure 4. Screenshot of List of Previous Reports

Completed reports are also available through a direct link sent via email. This is only applicable for reports where the Email action was selected. The email will notify the contact that the report is complete and will provide a direct link to the report.

alt_text Figure 5. Example of Email Sent for Completed Reports

2. Report Parameters

The Report Parameters display the Reporting Period, Projects, Run Date and the Person completing the report.

alt_text Figure 6. Example of Report Parameters

3. Project Descriptor Completeness

The Project Descriptors display the project’s Operating Start Date, CoC Code, Funder, Inventory Information Date, Geocode, Geography Type, Unit Inventory, Bed Inventory, Housing Type and Project Types.

alt_text Figure 7. Example of Project Descriptor Completeness

4. Overview

The Overview section includes the number of clients and households Enrolled, Active, Entering, and Exiting the project during the reporting period.

  • Enrolled Clients - The number of enrollments for the project during the reporting period.
  • Enrolled Households - The number of enrollments with RelationshipToHoH blank or '1' for the project during the reporting period.
  • Active Clients - The number of enrollments for the project during the reporting period for entry/exit projects, or with service during the reporting period for night-by-night projects.
  • Active Households - The number of enrollments with RelationshipToHoH blank or '1' for the project during the reporting period for entry/exit projects, or with service during the reporting period for night-by-night projects.
  • Entering Clients - The number of enrollments for the project during the reporting period with an EntryDate during the reporting period.
  • Entering Households -The number of enrollments for the project during the reporting period with RelationshipToHoH blank or '1', and with the EntryDate during the reporting period.
  • Existing Clients - The number of enrollments for the project during the reporting period with an ExitDate during the reporting period.
  • Exiting Households - The number of enrollments for the project during the reporting period with an ExitDate during the reporting period.

alt_text Figure 8. Example of Client and Household Activity in the Project

5. Data Quality Summary

The Data Quality Summary indicates areas where the data quality is not meeting established thresholds. Thresholds can be adjusted on the Admin Dashboard under Site Configuration. Users will need permission to access this feature. A detailed breakdown of most topics are available in separate sections of this report.

alt_text Figure 9. Example of Data Quality Summary

6. Bed Utilization

The Bed Utilization is calculated from computed service records and does not include extrapolated Street Outreach data. The Bed Utilization displays the following:

  • Bed Inventory: The sum of the BedInventory fields for project inventories with inventory covering any part of the reporting period.
  • Average Daily/Nightly Clients: The sum of the number of service entries on each day of the reporting period divided by the number of days.
  • Average Bed Utilization: The Average Daily/Nightly Clients divided by the bed inventory. A low or high percent utilization should be reviewed for data quality errors as this may indicate clients are missing a start or exit from a project.
  • Nightly Client Census: The number of persons in project on each day of the reporting period.

alt_text Figure 10. Example of Bed Utilization

7. Unit Utilization

The Bed Utilization is calculated from computed service records and does not include extrapolated Street Outreach data.The Bed Utilization displays the following:

  • Unit Inventory: The sum of the UnitInventory fields for project inventories with inventory covering any part of the reporting period.
  • Average Daily/Nightly Clients: The sum of the number of service entries for heads of households on each day of the reporting period divided by the number of days.
  • Average Unit Utilization:The Average Daily/Nightly heads of households divided by the unit inventory. A low or high percent utilization should be reviewed for data quality errors as this may indicate clients are missing a start or exit from a project.
  • Nightly Household Census: The number of service entries for the head of households on each day of the reporting period.

alt_text Figure 11. Example of Unit Utilization

8. Data Completeness

The Data Completeness section identifies the Goal and the total completeness percentage for This Project. The chart identifies the completeness percentage of each data element. Data is considered incomplete if information is Missing/Null, Don’t Know/Refused, Not Collected or Partial. Click on each bar in the chart to see the client detail by data element and response. Copies of the client details can also be downloaded to your local device.

  • Goal: The completeness goal is established locally. The Goal is displayed as a dotted line within the chart so fields falling below the threshold can be easily identified.
  • This Project: The completeness percentage for the project. This is calculated by the total number of metrics (the number of enrollments * the number of completeness metrics) minus the number of metrics not marked complete divided by the total number of metrics.
  • Name: Computed for all enrollments using NameDataQuality. Name is missing if the FirstName or LastName are blank.
  • SSN: Computed for all enrollments using SSNDataQuality. SSN is missing if it is blank, or is not a valid SSN:
    • Cannot contain a non-numeric character
    • Must be 9 digits long
    • First three digits cannot be "000," "666," or in the 900 series
    • The second group / 5th and 6th digits cannot be "00"
    • The third group / last four digits cannot be "0000"
    • Cannot be repetitive (e.g. "333333333")
    • Cannot be one of '219099999', '078051120', or '123456789'
  • DOB: Computed for all enrollments using DOBDataQuality. DOB is missing if it is:
    • Blank
    • Incomplete (which implies that DOB's will never be reported as partial)
    • Is before Jan 1, 1915
    • Is after the DateCreated of the associated enrollment
    • If the client is an adult on the on the date the report was generated or head of household, and the DOB is on or after the EntryDate
  • Gender: Computed for all enrollments using Gender. Gender is missing if it is blank.
  • Veteran Status: Only computed for enrollments using VeteranStatus if the client is an adult on the EntryDate. Veteran Status is missing if it is blank.
  • Ethnicity: Computed for all enrollments using Ethnicity. Ethnicity is missing if it is blank.
  • Race: Computed for all enrollments using RaceNone. Race is missing if RaceNone, AmIndAKNative, Asian, BlackAfAmerican, NativeHIPacific, and White are all blank.
  • Disabling Condition: Computed for enrollments using DisablingCondition if the client is an adult on the on the date the report was generated. Disabling Condition is missing if DisablingCondition is blank, or if it is '0', and if any of the most recent disability responses are '1'.
  • Prior Living Situation: Computed for enrollments where the client is either the head of household, or an adult on the date the report was generated, using LivingSituation. Prior Living Situation is missing if it is blank.
  • Destination: Computed for enrollments with an exit and the client is either the head of household, or an adult on the date the report was generated, using Destination. Destination is missing if it is blank.
  • Income at Entry: Computed for enrollments where the client is either the head of household, or an adult on the date the report was generated using IncomeFromAnySource. Income At Entry is missing if there is no income benefit at entry.
  • Income Annual Assessment: Computed for enrollments where the client is either the head of household or an adult on the date the report was generated, and have been enrolled for more than one year since the report end date. Income Annual Assessment is missing if there is no annual assessment for the enrollment before the report end date.
  • Income at Exit: Computed for enrollments where the client is either the head of household or an adult on the date the report was generated, and exited during the reporting period. Income At Entry is missing if there is no income benefit at exit.

alt_text Figure 12. Example of Data Completeness Bar Chart

alt_text Figure 13. Example of Client Detail by Name and Data Not Collected

9. Timeliness

The Timeliness section indicates how quickly it takes for users to enter and exit clients from a project. There are two separate charts to distinguish between Time to Enter and Time to Exit.

  • Goal: The Timeliness Goal is established locally. The Goal is displayed as a dotted line within the chart.
  • This Project: The Time to Enter or Exit for the project.
  • Time to Enter: The number of days between the EntryDate and the DateCreated for each enrollment divided by the number of enrollments.
  • Time to Exit: The number of days between the EntryDate and the DateCreated for each exit divided by the number of exits.

alt_text Figure 14. Example of Time to Enter and Time to Exit

10. Time in Project

The time in project for an enrollment is calculated by one of the following methods:

  • The number of service days through the end of the reporting period for a night-by-night project.
  • The number of days enrolled if the enrollment has an exit during the reporting period.
  • The number of days enrolled through the last day of the reporting period for an entry/exit program

The count of persons by time in project is displayed in the chart:

  • Average Time in Project: The sum of the times-in-project as described above divided by the number of enrollments in the reporting period.
  • Percent in Project Over One Year: The number of enrollments with 356+ days of service as described above, divided by the number of enrollments in the reporting period.

alt_text Figure 15. Example of the Number of Enrollments per Time in the Project.

11. Percentage of Clients Increasing or Retaining Income

Computed for clients that were adults at EntryDate or head of household, using the last two income assessments at or before the report end for each enrollment with at least two.

Non-employment cash income is defined as any of unemployment, SSI, SSDI, VA or private disability, workers comp, TANF, GA, Social Security retirement, pensions, child support, alimony, or other unclassified income.

alt_text Figure 16. Percentage of Clients Increasing or Retaining Income

12. Percentage of Clients with No Income

Computed for clients that were adults at EntryDate or head of household, using the most recent available income assessment at or before the report end.

Non-employment cash income is defined as any of unemployment, SSI, SSDI, VA or private disability, workers comp, TANF, GA, Social Security retirement, pensions, child support, alimony, or other unclassified income.

alt_text Figure 17. Percentage of Clients with No Income

13. Percentage of Clients Exiting to Permanent Housing

The number of enrollments with an exit in the reporting period with a Destination of one of the HUD-defined permanent housing destinations divided by the number enrollments with an exit in the reporting period.

alt_text Figure 18. Percentage of Clients Exiting to Permanent Housing