Live Universe Selection - greenriver/hmis-warehouse GitHub Wiki
Reports with a Live Universe Selection may run with default prompts when first accessing the data. The Reporting Period and Project Type must be selected to populate results and can be further limited by additional selections. Prompts within the Projects & Funding Sources and Demographics sections adhere to the following:
- The prompts use “OR” logic when more than one option is selected within a single prompt. For example if HUD: ESG Shelter and HUD: ESG Homelessness Prevention are selected in the Funding Source, the results will include all projects that have either HUD: ESG Shelter OR HUD: ESG Homeless Prevention.
- The prompts use “AND” logic when selections are made across more than one prompt. For example if Blue Mountain is selected in the Data Source and Yes is selected in the Veteran Status, the results will include only clients within the Blue Mountain Data Source that are veterans.
Prompts are categorized by section and include:
- Population by Project Type - Must be selected for a report to populate results. Reports often default to Only Homeless (ES - Entry/Exit, ES - NBN, TH, SO, SH), but can be adjusted by clicking the Custom option.
- Included CE homeless at entry? - Including Coordinated Entry enrollments where the prior living situation is homeless (101, 116, and 118) will include these clients even if they do not have an enrollment in one of the chosen project types.
- Including CE Current Living Situation Homeless - Including Coordinated * Entry enrollments where the client has at least two homeless current living situations (101, 116, and 118) within the report range. These clients will be included even if they do not have an enrollment in one of the chosen project types.
- Require Service? - If checked, a client must have at least one service or contact during the chosen date range. If unchecked, an overlapping enrollment will suffice. This filter is only applicable for Night-by-Night Emergency Shelters (nbn ES) and Street Outreach (SO) projects and will not * impact other project types. This filter was developed specifically for SO and nbn ES projects to have the option of excluding persons with an open enrollment but without a service (e.g. Bed Night or CLS) within the timeframe.
- Require Active Release of Information - If checked, a client must have an active ROI to be included in the universe.
- Reporting Period - Report periods are limited by the Maximum range for Live Reports included in the Admin Dashboard.
- Comparison Period - Includes results for the “Same Period, Prior Year,” “Prior Period,” and “Prior Federal Fiscal Year.”
- Mask Small Populations?- Option to bucket results in order to mask small populations. Checkmarking this option removes client detail links from the results and download. Bucketing applied:
- 0- Stays 0
- 1 to 24 - Sets to 25
- 25 to 49 - Sets to 50
- 50 to 99 - Sets to 100
- 100+ - Rounds up to next multiple of 10 (ex. if 378 shows 380)
Projects & Funding
Prompts in the section limit results to selections that were made.
- Funding Sources - Limits results to projects that have a specific Funding Source(s).
- Data Sources - Limits results to projects within a Data Source(s).
- Organizations - Limits results to projects within an organization(s).
- Projects - Limits results to a project(s).
- Project Groups - Limits results to projects within a Project Group(s).
- Cohorts - Limits results to clients within a cohort(s).
Prompts in the section limit results to selections that were made.
- Only Heads of Household - Checkbox that limits results to clients identified as the Head of Household.
- Sub-Population - Limits results to clients within a specific household composition(s) or population.
- Race - Limits results to clients with a specific race(s).
- Age Range - Limits results to clients within a specific age range(s).
- Gender - Limits results to clients with a specific gender(s).
- Veteran Status - Limits results to clients with a specific veteran status.
- Times Homeless in the Last Three Years - Limits results to clients that were homeless a specific number of times the last three years.
- Disability Type - Limits results to enrollments with the chosen disabilities during the reporting range.
- Indefinite and Impairing - Limits results to enrollments with indefinitely and impairing disabilities during the reporting range.
- DV Status - Limits results to occurrences of DV in the chosen category that were reported during the chosen range, indicating they had occurred within the past year.
- Chronically Homeless - Limits results to clients that were chronically homeless at entry as defined in the HUD HMIS Glossary.
Example of Live Universe Selection