Acronym Dictionary - greenriver/hmis-warehouse GitHub Wiki
- APR - Annual Performance Report
- CAPER - Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report
- CE - Coordinated Entry
- CoC - Continuum of Care
- ES - Emergency Shelter
- HIC - Housing Inventory Chart
- HoH - Head of Household
- HOPWA - Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS
- HUD - U.S. Department of Housing Urban Development
- LSA - Longitudinal System Analysis
- PATH - Projects for Assistance in Transition from Homelessness
- PEH - Persons Experiencing Homelessness
- PIT - Point-in-Time Count
- PSH - Permanent Supportive Housing
- RHY - Runaway and Homeless Youth
- RRH - Rapid Rehousing
- SH - Safe Haven
- SO - Street Outreach
- SPM - System Performance Measure
- SSVF - Supportive Services for Veteran Families
- TH - Transitional Housing
- VA - U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
- YHDP - Youth Homelessness Demonstration Program