Expressions and flow control - grblHAL/core GitHub Wiki

grblHAL supports parameters, expressions and flow control, LinuxCNC style (with some limitations), if enabled in the config file or in builds made with the Web Builder when RS274 NGC expression support is enabled in the Advanced features tab.

Flow control is limited if streaming G-code from a sender, full support is only available in macros stored on a SD card or in the littlefs filing system.


Follow or comment in this discussion if you want to know more.

Comments with parameter substitution

Numbered and named parameters referenced in the comment string will be substituted in the generated output.

(print, ...)


(print, metric mode: #<_metric>, coord system: #5220)


[MSG:metric mode on: 1, coord system: 1]

when metric mode (G21) is on and the current coordinate system is G54.

(debug, ...)

Output from this comment is controlled by setting $534 - set to 1 to enable 0 to disable (default).

(debug, metric mode: #<_metric>, coord system: #5220)


[MSG:metric mode on: 1, coord system: 1]

when metric mode (G21) is on and the current coordinate system is G54.

Generate error with user defined message

(abort, ...)

This will output the supplied message followed by raising error 253 thus terminating any running gcode.
Available from build 20241025.


(abort, Something went wrong, parameter 200=#200)


(MSG:Error: Something went wrong, parameter 200=123.456)

Parameters (variables)

All predefined parameters defined in NIST RS274NGC version 3 (ref section 3.2.1) are implemented.
Most additional predefined parameters defined by LinuxCNC (ref section are implemented.

Numbered parameters passed as arguments to G65 macro call

Word Variable Word Variable Word Variable
A #1 I #4 T #20
B #2 J #5 U #21
C #3 K #6 V #22
D #7 M #13 W #23
E #8 Q #17 X #24
F #9 R #18 Y #25
H #11 S #19 Z #26

Syntax: G65 P<id> (A- B- C- ...)

NOTES: Axis words ABC and UVW are only available if the corresponding axes are enabled.

Inbuilt G65 macros

G65P1Q<n> - read numeric setting value. <n> is the setting number.

G65P2Q<tool>R<axis> - read tool offset from tool table. <tool> isthe tool number, <axis> is the axis number: 0 = X, 1 = Y, ...

G65P3I<n>[S<m>] - get parameter value. <n> is parameter number. The optional S word can be used to set parameter <m> = <n>, if not given the returned value is stored in the _value parameter.

G65P3I<n>Q<value> - set parameter value. <n> is the parameter number, <value> is the value to set it to.

The reasoning behind having the P3 macro is that it can be used to simulate arrays, this since <n> and <m> can both be expressions.

G65P4 - get current machine state, available from build 20250107.

State Description
0 Idle
2 Check mode1
4 Cycle (motion ongoing)
10 Tool change

1 In check mode non-inbuilt G65 macros will not be run, only file availability will be checked.

NOTE: Inbuilt macros will set the _value_returned parameter to 1 if a value is returned, the value is then stored in the _value parameter.

Numbered parameters

Parameters Usage Persistent
31 - 5000 User defined parameters, defaults to 0. No
5061 - 5069 Coordinates of a G38 probe result (X, Y, Z, ...) . No
5070 G38.3 and G38.5 probe result: 1 if successful, 0 if not. No
5161 - 5169 G28 coordinates (X, Y, Z, ...). Yes
5181 - 5189 G30 coordinates (X, Y, Z, ...). Yes
5210 1 if G92 offset active, 0 if not. Depends on $384 setting
5211 - 5219 G92 offset (X, Y, Z, ...). Depends on $384 setting
5220 Coordinate system number for G54 - G59.3, 1 - 9. Yes
5221 - 5229 Coordinate system 1, for G54 (X, Y, Z, ...). Yes
5241 - 5249 Coordinate system 2, for G55 (X, Y, Z, ...). Yes
5261 - 5269 Coordinate system 3, for G56 (X, Y, Z, ...). Yes
5281 - 5289 Coordinate system 4, for G57 (X, Y, Z, ...). Yes
5301 - 5319 Coordinate system 5, for G58 (X, Y, Z, ...). Yes
5321 - 5329 Coordinate system 6, for G59 (X, Y, Z, ...). Yes
5341 - 5349 Coordinate system 7, for G59.1 (X, Y, Z, ...). Yes
5361 - 5369 Coordinate system 8, for G59.2 (X, Y, Z, ...). Yes
5381 - 5389 Coordinate system 9, for G59.3 (X, Y, Z, ...). Yes
5399 Result from last M66, wait for input. -1 if timed out. No
5400 Tool number. No
5420 - 5427 Current position including all offsets (X, Y, Z, ...). No
5599 Debug output, 1 if enabled else 0. Yes

Predefined named parameters

Name Usage Comment
_vmajor Major grblHAL version number, currently 1.1.
_vminor Minor grblHAL version number, from build date (YYMMDD). Available from 20241025.
_line Current G Code line number.
_motion_mode Current motion mode. See 2 below.
_plane Current plane: 170 - G17, 180 - G18, 190 - G19.
_ccomp Active cutter compensation: 400 - G40.
_metric 1 if G21 is active, 0 if not.
_imperial 1 if G20 is active, 0 if not.
_absolute 1 if G90 is active, 0 if not.
_incremental 1 if G91 is active, 0 if not.
_inverse_time 1 if G93 is active, 0 if not.
_units_per_minute 1 if G94 is active, 0 if not.
_units_per_rev 1 if G95 is active, 0 if not.
_coord_system Current coordinate system: 540 - G54, 550 - G55, ...
_tool_offset 1 if G43 is active, 0 if not.
_retract_r_plane 1 if G98 is active, 0 if not.
_retract_old_z 1 if G99 is active, 0 if not.
_spindle_rpm_mode 1 if G97 is active, 0 if not.
_spindle_css_mode 1 if G96 is active, 0 if not.
_ijk_absolute_mode 1 if G90.1 is active, 0 if not.
_lathe_diameter_mode 1 if G8 is active, 0 if not.
_lathe_radius_mode 1 if G7 is active, 0 if not.
_spindle_on 1 if spindle is running (M3 or M4), 0 if not.
_spindle_cw 1 if spindle is running clockwise (M3), 0 if not.
_mist 1 if M7 is active, 0 if not.
_flood 1 if M8 is active, 0 if not.
_speed_override 1 if M48 or M50P1 is active, 0 if not.
_feed_override 1 if M48 or M50p2 is active, 0 if not.
_adaptive_feed Always 0.
_feed_hold 1 if M53.1 is active, 0 if not.
_feed Current value of F. Not the actual feed rate.
_rpm Current value of S. Not the actual RPM.
_x Current X coordinate including all offsets. Same as #5420.
_y Current Y coordinate including all offsets. Same as #5421.
_z Current Z coordinate including all offsets. Same as #5422.
_a Current A coordinate including all offsets. Same as #5423.
_b Current B coordinate including all offsets. Same as #5424.
_c Current C coordinate including all offsets. Same as #5425.
_u Current U coordinate including all offsets. Same as #5426.
_v Current V coordinate including all offsets. Same as #5427.
_w Current W coordinate including all offsets. Same as #5428.
_abs_x Current absolute X coordinate (G53).
_abs_y Current absolute Y coordinate (G53).
_abs_z Current absolute Z coordinate (G53).
_abs_a Current absolute A coordinate (G53).
_abs_b Current absolute B coordinate (G53).
_abs_c Current absolute C coordinate (G53).
_abs_u Current absolute U coordinate (G53).
_abs_v Current absolute V coordinate (G53).
_abs_w Current absolute W coordinate (G53).
_current_tool Number of the tool in the spindle. Same as #5400.
_current_pocket Always 0.
_selected_tool Current value of T. Default -1.
_selected_pocket Always -1.
_value Return value from the last G65 macro or O subroutine call. Set to 0 on entry.
_value_returned 1 if last G65 macro or subroutine call returned a value, 0 if not.
_call_level Current nesting level for G65 macro calls or O subroutines.
_probe_state Current probe input state. -1 if not available.3 Available from 20250116.
_toolsetter_state Current toolsetter input state. -1 if not available.3 Available from 20250116.

2 Motion modes:

Mode Value
G1 10
G2 20
G3 30
G33 330
G38.2 382
G38.3 383
G38.4 384
G38.5 384
G5 50
G5.1 51
G73 730
G75 760
G80 800
G81 810
G82 820
G83 830
G85 850
G89 890

Operators and precedence

Operators Precedence
** Highest
*, / and MOD
+ and -
EQ, NE, GT, GE, LT and LE
AND, OR and XOR Lowest


Name Result Comment
ABS[arg] Absolute value.
ACOS[arg] Inverse cosine.
ASIN[arg] Inverse sine.
ATAN[arg]/[arg] Four quadrant inverse tangent.
COS[arg] Cosine.
EXISTS[arg] Named parameter exists.
EXP[arg] e raised to the given power.
FIX[arg] Round down to integer.
FUP[arg] Round up to integer.
LN[arg] Base-e logarithm.
ROUND[arg] Round to nearest integer.
SIN[arg] Sine.
SQRT[arg] Square root.
TAN[arg] Tanget.
PRM[arg] Value of numeric setting.3 Available from 20241025.
PRM[arg,bit] Value of bit in integer setting.3 Available from 20241025.

Flow control statements

Statement Local file Streamed G-Code Comment
if <expr> yes yes
elseif <expr> yes yes
else yes yes
endif yes yes
do yes no
continue yes no
break yes no
while <expr> yes no
endwhile yes no
repeat <expr> yes no
sub yes no
endsub yes no
call yes no
return [<expr>] yes no
alarm <expr> yes no <expr> must evaluate to a valid alarm code3
error <expr> yes no <expr> must evaluate to a valid error code3

3 grblHAL specific extension. Probe and toolsetter state parameters may return incorrect value. Use with care.


⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️