GSOC 18 Objectives - grasseau/HAhRD GitHub Wiki

GSOC'18 proposal: 3D-Clustering

Building the Software Machinery with CNN

The GSOC'18 objectives are to build an processing chain with CNN for 3D-images coming from the HGCAL detector. The requirements for this project are:

  • Building this processing chain with standard tools in CNN (TensorFlow, ...)
  • Using python as much as possible
  • Embedding the time consuming subroutines with C++ extensions
  • Make visualization tools to have a feed back about the different stages of the CNN (convolution, pooling, rectifier function, ...)
  • Using our GPUs platforms.


  • Hexagonal mesh: adapting the hexagonal meshes to the standard CNN tools
  • 3D-images: displaying the 3D-images for the different stages of the processing chain