Web and light wallets release procedure - graphene-blockchain/graphene-core GitHub Wiki

(outdated, should rewrite and move it to https://github.com/bitshares/bitshares-ui)

Release Notes

  • Checkout and test graphene-ui master
  • Add release notes to graphene-ui/release-notes.txt
  • Commit your changes

Open Ledger wallet release:

  • Clone openledger graphene-ui
  • Add upstream repo git remote add cnx https://github.com/cryptonomex/graphene-ui
  • Fetch upstream git fetch cnx
  • Merge upstream/master git merge cnx/master
  • Run npm install in dl/ and in web/
  • Commit changes to openledger repository
  • Tag using in this format: 2.X.YYMMDD
  • Push including tags git push --tags
  • Build (cd web/ && npm run build)
  • Open dist/index.html and make sure everything is working and the version in status bar matches tag
  • Clone https://github.com/cryptonomex/faucet and checkout ol branch and install gems with bundle command
  • In faucet dir run mina wallet - this will deploy to 'ol' server (specified in .ssh/config)
  • Alternatively, copy the dist folder directly to the server: scp dist/* bitshares.openledger.info:/www/current/public/wallet/
  • Open https://bitshares.openledger.info and make sure there are no errors and version matches release tag

Light wallets

  • (one time) Install NSIS
  • git clone https://github.com/bitshares/bitshares-2-ui branch bitshares
  • Add upstream repo git remote add cnx https://github.com/cryptonomex/graphene-ui
  • Fetch upstream git fetch cnx
  • Merge upstream/master into bitshares branch git merge cnx/master
  • Run npm install in dl/ , web/ and in electron/
  • Tag it with release version
  • Edit electron/build/package.json and update version
  • Commit your changes and push both commits and tags
  • Build it in web/ via npm run electron command
  • Goto to electron/
  • Build light wallet via npm run release command
  • It will create dmg/deb/exe file in releases/
  • Make sure created file name matches tag/version
  • Run installer and test the app
  • Go to bitshares-2 repo
  • Update gui_version, commit, tag and push - this will create a new tag
  • Open https://github.com/bitshares/bitshares-2/releases, create new release under tag created in previous step
  • Specify release notes, upload dmg/deb/exe wallets created earlie

Graphene UI wallet and downloads page

  • Go to graphene-ui/releases repo (https://github.com/graphene-blockchain/graphene-ui/releases)