Testing HF 1268: Market Fee Sharing - graphene-blockchain/graphene-core GitHub Wiki


The instructions below are intended to assist with manual testing of changes made to share market fees between an asset owner and a trader's registrar and referrer in BitShares Core v.3.0.0.

These test instructions should be executed from a command line interface wallet (CLI) that has been built for your test environment. For example, testing performed with the public testnet requires the CLI built for the BitShares Public Testnet. The following instructions were executed on a private testing environment where TEST was the core token. These exact instructions may differ on your test environment in the following ways:

  • The core token may be different than "TEST" (e.g. "BTS"). Modify the commands to use your core token symbol.
  • The account names that are created might already exist in your test environment. Check for their existence by running get_account <ACCOUNT_NAME>. Modify the commands to use alternate account names).
  • The asset names that are created might already exist in your test environment. Check for the existence by running get_asset <ACCOUNT_NAME>. Modify the commands to use alternate account names).


From BSIP-43:

"At this time unfortunately an assets owner is not able to share market fees with registrars and referrers to stimulate them to market the asset trading, so we suggest to add this possibility. Furthermore, enabling this feature for MPAs (e.g. bitCNY or bitUSD) can provide additional bounty for Bitshares registrars and referrals which can lead to more traders joining to the ecosystem.

An asset owner defines the market_fee_reward_percent in asset options - what percentage of the market fee he wants to share with the registrar. market_fee * market_fee_reward_percent goes the registrar. market_fee * (1 - market_fee_reward_percent) goes to the asset owner.

Registrar splits the reward between itself and its referrers by defining reward_percent, which defines referrer's percentage. It is defined per each other using the already existing BitShares mechanism.

Market fee reward is accumulated on the user account.

Each user decides when he wants to claim the market fee reward and move it to their active balance."

The distribution variables are summarized in the table below.

Distribution Variable Determined by Distributed to Description
market_fee_percent Asset Owner Asset Owner Portion of the market trade that is collected as a fee
market_fee_reward_percent Asset Owner Registrar of trader that is receiving the asset from the filled order Portion of the market_fee that is shared with the registrar
reward_percent Registrar of trader that is receiving the asset from the filled order Referrer of trader that is receiving the asset from the filled order Portion of the registrar's portion that is shared with referrers

The formulas for calculating the fee distribution are in the table below.

Distribution Recipient
Formula for Distribution Amount
Asset Owner filled_trade × market_fee_percent × (1 - market_fee_reward_percent)
Registrar filled_trade × market_fee_percent × market_fee_reward_percent × (1 - reward_percent)
Referrer filled_trade × market_fee_percent × market_fee_reward_percent × reward_percent

Example 1

100 units of an asset, called ASSET, is traded and filled on the DEX. The market fee percent for the asset is 2%. The resulting market fee is 2 ASSET.

The market_fee_reward_percent is 40%, and the reward_percent is 80%.

Distribution Recipient Distribution Calculation per Formula Distribution Amount
Asset Owner 100 ASSET × 0.02 × (1 - 0.40) 1.20 ASSET
Registrar 100 ASSET × 0.02 × 0.40 × (1 - 0.80) 0.16 ASSET
Referrer 100 ASSET × 0.02 × 0.40 × 0.80 0.64 ASSET
Total - 2.00 ASSET

Test Scenario: Shared Market Fees for a UIA

This test scenario will demonstrate the sharing of market fees of a user-issued asset (UIA) by using the same settings that are described in Example 1.

Initialize Accounts

The following test scenario portrays the interaction of six actors: a faucet account ("faucet"), an account registrar ("registrar"), a referrer ("referrer"), an asset owner ("asset-owner"), and two trading accounts ("trader-80" and "trader-30"). Each will require their own wallet with their own keys (see Tips for Creating New Keys). Certain steps must be performed by specific actors from their respective wallet. Each step of the instructions describe which actor is performing that step (e.g. "Registrar: ..." indicates that the action should be performed from the wallet of the registrar account). The reader should use the respective actor's wallet.

Testers who prefer convenience over strict separation of keys may prefer to keep the private keys of every actor in a single wallet.

Faucet: Register the registrar and referrers

Create the accounts of the registrar, and the referrers from the faucet account (or any other LTM account)

register_account registrar TEST... TEST... faucet faucet 0 true
transfer faucet registrar 20000 TEST "" true

register_account referrer TEST... TEST... faucet faucet 0 true
transfer faucet referrer 1000 TEST "" true

register_account asset-owner TEST... TEST... faucet faucet 0 true
transfer faucet asset-owner 50000 TEST "" true

Referrer: Upgrade to Lifetime Membership

upgrade_account referrer true

Registrar: Upgrade to Lifetime Membership

upgrade_account registrar true

Asset Owner: Upgrade to Lifetime Membership

upgrade_account asset-owner true

Registrar: Create the trader accounts

Trader 80 will be created to be consistent with Example 1 such that 80% of all registrar-destined fees are distributed to the referrer.

register_account trader-80 TEST... TEST... registrar referrer 80 true

Trader 30 will be created as another trader such that 30% of all registrar-destined fees are distributed to the referrer.

register_account trader-30 TEST... TEST... registrar referrer 30 true

Faucet: Fund the trader accounts

transfer faucet trader-80 5000 TEST "" true
transfer faucet trader-30 5000 TEST "" true

Create and Issue the UIA

Asset Owner: Create the Asset Type

The asset, called ASSET, will be created to be consistent with Example 1 with a 20% market fee (expressed as 2000 in terms of hundredths of a percent) and a 40% reward fee (expressed as 4000 in terms of the hundredths of a percent) that is shared with the registrar of the trading account that receives the asset.

create_asset asset-owner ASSET 2 {"max_supply":"1000000000000000","market_fee_percent":2000,"max_market_fee":"1000000000000000","issuer_permissions":1,"flags":1,"core_exchange_rate":{"base":{"amount":1,"asset_id":"1.3.0"},"quote":{"amount":1,"asset_id":"1.3.1"}},"whitelist_authorities":[],"blacklist_authorities":[],"whitelist_markets":[],"blacklist_markets":[],"description":"","extensions":{"reward_percent":4000}} null 

Asset Owner: Issue the Asset

The asset will be issued to one of the trading accounts, "trader-30".

issue_asset trader-30 5000 ASSET "" true

Place Orders

Two orders will be constructed such that Trader 80 should receive 100 ASSET minus the market fee that is dictated by Example 1.

Trader 30 will offer to sell 100 ASSET in exchange for 50 TEST.

Trader 80 will offer to sell 50 TEST in exchange for 100 ASSET.

Those orders will be matched and filled and the market fee of 2% will be deducted such that Trader 80 will finally receive 98 ASSET.

Trader 30: Sell 100 ASSET

Place an order to sell 100 ASSET for at least 50 TEST.

sell_asset trader-30 100 ASSET 50 TEST 600 false true

Check the order book to find the newly placed order.

get_order_book ASSET TEST 1

The order will be waiting on the books for a match.

Trader 80: Sell 50 TEST

Place an order to sell 50 TEST for at least 100 ASSET.

sell_asset trader-80 50 TEST 100 ASSET 600 false true

Check the order book and find the order

get_order_book ASSET TEST 1

The original order by trader-30 will no longer be in the book because it was matched and filled against the order from trader-80.

Check the account history for more details

get_account_history trader-80 2

The fee for the filled transaction should be 2% of the filled order of 100 ASSET = 2 ASSET.

Check the balance of Trader 80 to confirm reception of 98 ASSET.

list_account_balances trader-80

Check the Distribution of the Market Fee

The market fee of 2 ASSET should now be distributed between the asset owner, the registrar, and the referrer per the description from Example 1.

Any Wallet: Check the fees distributed to the Asset Owner

First find the dynamic_asset_data_id of the asset

get_asset ASSET

Use the value for dynamic_asset_data_id field in an invocation of get_object

get_object 2.3.x

Inspect the value found in the output for accumulated_fees which will be listed in satoshis. This asset has a precision of 2 which means that the actual fees collected should be divided by 102. The result should be 1.20 ASSET.

Any Wallet: Check the fees distributed to the Registrar

get_vesting_balances registrar

There might be many vesting balances listed. Find the vesting balance of type market_fee_sharing with asset_id that matches the id of ASSET (Call get_asset ASSET to identify its id which will be of the form "1.3.x").

Inspect the value for the balance field for the ASSET. This asset has a precision of 2 which means that the actual fees collected should be divided by 102. The result should be 0.16 ASSET.

Any Wallet: Check the fees distributed to the Referrer

get_vesting_balances referrer

There might be many vesting balances listed. Find the vesting balance of type market_fee_sharing with asset_id that matches the id of ASSET (Call get_asset ASSET to identify its id which will be of the form "1.3.x").

Inspect the value for the balance field for the ASSET. This asset has a precision of 2 which means that the actual fees collected should be divided by 10^2. The result should be 0.64 ASSET.

(Optional) Withdraw the Distributed Fees

Withdrawal of fees may optionally be tested by following these instructions.

Reference: Unit Tests

For reference, the following unit tests that have been prepared to test the new functionality (1419) for the issue (BSIP-43, 1268).

Reference: Creating New Keys

Registering a new account in BitShares requires the provision of at least two public keys to the registrar: one for the owner key and another for the active key. Some registrars require a third public key for the memo.

Random keys for a BitShares account can be created by using the CLI Wallet command suggest_brain_key.

locked >>> suggest_brain_key 
  "brain_priv_key": "XXXXXX ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ......",
  "wif_priv_key": "5......",
  "pub_key": "TEST......"

The public key is provided to a registrar during account registration. The WIF private key should be securely archived.

After account registration, a key can be imported into a CLI wallet with the command import_key.

locked >>> gethelp import_key


example: import_key "1.3.11" 5KQwrPbwdL6PhXujxW37FSSQZ1JiwsST4cqQzDeyXtP79zkvFD3
example: import_key "usera" 5KQwrPbwdL6PhXujxW37FSSQZ1JiwsST4cqQzDeyXtP79zkvFD3

Reference: Withdraw the Distributed Fees

Registrar and Referrer: Withdraw from Vesting Balances

The vesting balances for either the registrar or the referrer can be withdrawn with the following steps.

Three identifiers will be needed to withdraw the vesting balance.

  • The identifier of the account
  • The identifier of the asset
  • The identifier of the vesting balance

The identifier of the account can be found by inspecting the id ("1.3.x") in the output of get_account

get_account <ACCOUNT_NAME>

The identifier of the asset can be found by inspecting the id in the output of get_asset ("1.2.y").

get_asset <ACCOUNT_NAME>

The identifier of the vesting balance can be found by inspecting the id in the output of get_vesting_balances ("1.13.z").

get_vesting_balances <ACCOUNT_NAME>

There might be many vesting balances listed. Find the vesting balance of type market_fee_sharing with asset_id that matches the id of ASSET. Note the id of the vesting balance (e.g. "1.13.z") to use in the next step.

Withdraw the vesting balance with the vesting_balance_withdraw_operation which has an operation identifier of 33. This will require building a transaction in the CLI Wallet.

add_operation_to_builder_transaction 0 [33, {"vesting_balance":"1.13.z", "owner":"1.2.x", "amount":{"amount":16, "asset_id":"1.3.y"}}]
set_fees_on_builder_transaction 0 1.3.0

Optionally preview the transaction before signing.

preview_builder_transaction 0

Sign and broadcast the transaction.

sign_builder_transaction 0 true

Asset Owner: Withdraw from Accumulated Fees

The vesting balances for either the registrar or the referrer can be withdrawn with the following steps.

Three identifiers will be needed to withdraw the vesting balance.

  • The identifier of the account
  • The identifier of the asset

The identifier of the account can be found by inspecting the id ("1.3.x") in the output of get_account

get_account <ACCOUNT_NAME>

The identifier of the asset can be found by inspecting the id in the output of get_asset ("1.2.y").

get_asset <ACCOUNT_NAME>

Withdraw the vesting balance with the asset_claim_fees_operation which has an operation identifier of 43. This will require building a transaction in the CLI Wallet.

add_operation_to_builder_transaction 0 [43, {"issuer":"1.2.x", "amount_to_claim":{"amount":N, "asset_id":"1.3.y"}}]
set_fees_on_builder_transaction 0 1.3.0

Optionally preview the transaction before signing.

preview_builder_transaction 0

Sign and broadcast the transaction.

sign_builder_transaction 0 true
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