Installation - grantmcwilliams/PlexForBoxee GitHub Wiki

Manual Install

The repository is broken - I understand Grant can't sign the software anymore. So the only option now is the manual install.

I tested this as of 16 Feb 2019. Sorry for the delay my Boxee box died a long drawn out death, but I have borrowed a friends to test this.

Only tested for a GDM connection to a local Plex server

Step 1. Download and install BoxeeHacks

  1. Download the latest zip from here:
  2. Format an SD card to FAT32, name it BOXEE
  3. Copy everything inside the "install" folder of the downloaded file to the SD card root So when you browse to the SD card, should be in the root folder
  4. Copy the "hack" folder from to the SD card (so you now have the hack folder on the SD card)
  5. On the Boxee go to settings->Network->Servers
  6. Check "Enable Windows file sharing"
  7. In the "Host Name" field enter "boxeebox; sh /media/BOXEE/" When you exit out the Boxee's light should change to red, this indicates the hack is installing. The boxee will reboot.

Step 2. Install Plexee

  1. In the network settings get the Boxee IP Address
  2. Login via telnet: '''telnet <ip_address> 2323''' The password is secret
  3. Get the plexee app:
cd /data/.boxee/UserData/apps
unzip /data/hack/
  1. Put the app into test mode You need to edit the descriptor.xml and add the line: <test-app>true</test-app>
cd plexee.plexforboxee
nano descriptor.xml

So you end up with:


Step 3. Allow unauthenticated access on your Plex server

  1. Go into Settings->Network"
  2. Change the following settings:
Secured Connections -> Can be Preferred or Disabled
Enable local network discovery (GDM) -> Checked
List of IP addresses and networks that are allowed without auth -> X.X.X.0/

The X.X.X should match your Boxee IP Address. i.e. If the address is, then you enter


All going well Plexee should be back up and running! I haven't tested everything - but I could at least play a movie.

Good luck! - Hamish

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️