MVP Feature List - grantc00/welp-project GitHub Wiki

MVP List

Welp, a yelp clone, is a website for users to submit reviews for local businesses, from 1 star(worst) to 5 stars(best) rating scales. The reviewed businesses are often restaurants, home services, or auto services.

1. Hosting on Heroku

2. New account creation, log in, log out, and guest/demo login

  • Users can sign up, log in, and log out.
  • Users can use a demo log in to try the site.
  • Users can't use certain features without logging in (like reviews and ratings posts).
  • Logged in users are directed to list of business page which displays businesses to review.

3. Business Page

  • The business page shows the business profile
  • The business page shows the name, pictures, description, address, and rating/reviews

4. Search

  • Users can search for services by their name as key words
  • Users can search

5. Reviews / Ratings

  • The logged in users can write, edit and delete reviews for the services
  • The logged in users can post photos with or without their reviews
  • The logged in users can view all their reviews