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a journey to study springboot

a journey to study springboot


create maven project

how to create a simple springboot project?

  1. using maven project using maven-archetype-quickstart
  2. import parent project in pom file
  3. create main-function annotationed with @SpringBootApplication
  4. import spring-boot-maven-plugin plugin in pom file

project structrue

  • src/main/java is srource folder
  • test/main/java is test folder
  • pom.xml is maven configration

create maven project

how to create a simple springboot project?

  1. using maven project using maven-archetype-quickstart
  2. import parent project in pom file
  3. create main-function annotationed with @SpringBootApplication
  4. import spring-boot-maven-plugin plugin in pom file

project structrue

  • src/main/java is srource folder
  • test/main/java is test folder
  • pom.xml is maven configration

web project

How to design restfull interface?

  1. import spring-boot-starter-web dependence in pom file
  2. create controller annotationed with @RestController
  3. coding restfull interface annotationed with @RequestMapping
  4. mvn package
  5. run project using commond 'java -jar springboot-1.0-SNAP SHOT.jar'
  6. curl ''

junit test

Mock with MockMvc to initiate the http request, which is actually a class method call, then execute the controller, using Mockito's mock to mock the return of the underlying data during the execution, and finally validate the result.

How to junit test?

  1. import spring-boot-starter-test dependence in pom file
  2. create test class in src/test folder annotationed with @RunWith @SpringBootTest @AutoConfigureMockMvc
  3. coding test function

junit interpretation

  • @RunWith is used for running test
  • @SpringBootTest is used for statementing springboot test
  • @AutoConfigureMockMvc is used for autowiring beans




