Leaving Grambank as a coder - grambank/grambank GitHub Wiki

In the Grambank project we have lots of coders. There comes a time where people transition out of the project, maybe to work outside academia, do a PhD or to pursue something else. We're very happy that you were a part of the project for as long as you were, and we wish you the best on your onwards travels!

Here is a check-list of what to do as you're leaving the project:

  1. Notify all of these people: a) node leader, b) Hedvig and c) administrative assistant (i.e. Jenny, Iren, Kerstin or other secretary/HR staff).
  2. Look over your time-sheets/invoices. Do you have hours you have not accounted for, or have you overworked? Discuss with the people at (1) what to do.
  3. If you are only taking a pause from the project, indicate clearly to Hedvig whether you want to be taken off the mailing-list.
  4. Mark yourself as "Not active" in in the contributors' list at the repos.
  5. Mark yourself as "Not active" in the summaries sheet in the to do-list document.
  6. Go over any tasks that are still assigned to you in the to do-list. Indicate clearly to your node leader and Hedvig what your plan is. If you are not planning on finishing these tasks, take away your assignment. If you do plan to finish them, discuss the time frame with your node leader. If you have done the tasks partially and aren't able to finish them, send in what you have and we will assign someone else to wrap it up. Please do this as soon as possible, it is not fun to drag these things out. We don't want to chase you up months later to get coding sheets, and it is also in your interest to do it soon so it doesn't get too difficult (as time passes, it gets harder to do complicated tasks).

We hope you've had a valuable time in our project. We are open to leaving professional and/or academic references if you need them, get in touch if so.

Thank you!