Notes - gralac4/S-T-project GitHub Wiki

Microsoft Docs on File system filter drivers

CodeProject Tutorial on File System Filter Drivers

Things you need:

Windows SDK For Windows 10

Windows WDK For Windows 10

What we need to do to register this thing

Microsoft Request for Mini Filter Altitude

Provisioning Windows Driver Debug

Minifilter Examples

File System Driver Samples

How do I sign this thing?

in command line (visual studio native tools)

signtool sign /sha1 F5053DDD32DECAB95A38F0FF17BAED8597FFB62D FsFilter1.sys  

The hex ID in the above example is the fingerprint of my CAC Cert (listed when you run signtool without said example)

Unanswered questions

  • How do I test and load this thing?

Visual Studio Remote Debugging

If we get a remote windows 10 host setup, we can use the WDK Test Target stuff to remote install and debug the driver.

This is probably the way to go.