JSONAPI_Rendering - grails/grails-views GitHub Wiki

#Rendering the JSON:

##Ability to enable/disable the JSON API Object


  • Sensible defaults matching the spec
  • per-app config mechanism driven via standard grails config
  • per-view dynamic configuration like:

json jsonapi.render([data: widget, exposeJsonApiObject: true])

##Error Handling: json jsonapi.render(widget) http://jsonapi.org/format/#errors

  • Automatic error handling with Validation Errors json jsonapi.render(widget)

  • Manual Error handling:

model {
    Errors errors

json jsonapi.render([errors: errors])

Support for included resources (Compound Documents)

http://jsonapi.org/format/#document-compound-documents Something similar to:

model {
    Widget widget
    Producer widgetProducer
    List<Market> markets

json jsonapi.render(widget, [included: [widgetProducer, markets]])

Support for Meta Objects


Sanitization of member names:


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