Grails Engineering Meeting Notes (10 21 2021) - grails/grails-core GitHub Wiki

Date: 10/21/2021


  • Puneet Behl
  • David Estes
  • James Kleeh
  • Jason Schindler


  • Current Development Activities
  • Open Discussion

Current Development Activities


  • I have been fixing some minor bugs in Grails 5 and will be doing a 5.0.1 release this week
    • There was an issue with the GSP plugins that was incompatible with Gradle 7
    • There is a minor issue in core
  • I am planning on updating the Spring Security plugin next week
  • The next thing I'd like to update is the database migration plugin
  • We had a kickoff meeting with Gradle Enterprise to set up Gradle Enterprise for Grails
  • I'm joining the Groovy podcast tomorrow
  • Grails Application Forge doesn't work with Grails 4 right now
    • Jason: I don't think that it is a big issue that Forge doesn't create Grails 4 applications. I think we should instead focus our efforts on the CLI rewrite that will make all of that easier in the future
    • James: I think you'll be able to re-use a lot of the Micronaut CLI for that
  • There is also an issue with JetBrains where you can't generate new projects with Grails 5 right now


  • I have been able to reproduce the issue here:
    • I'm going to ask that this be backported to Groovy 3
  • We should update to Groovy 3 once this is introduced to that branch
    • James: I think we should wait until 5.1 to update to 3.0.9, as it also adds support for Java 17
  • I think I may have narrowed down what is unique about Grails apps that is slowing the Groovy compiler down
    • I think it has something to do with the transformations required for services, controllers, etc