Grails Engineering Meeting Notes (08 19 2021) - grails/grails-core GitHub Wiki

Date: 08/19/2021


  • Puneet Behl
  • James Kleeh
  • Jason Schindler


  • Current Development Activities
  • Open Discussion

Current Development Activities


  • Focused on fixing the grails profile tests
  • Found an issue after updating to Micronaut 3
    • There is a class in Micronaut called AnnotationMetadata that is requiring the jakarta annotations
    • I was testing this with the RC, so I'll update to the GA and see if that fixes it
    • James: We didn't get any issues in RC related to this
  • A user reported an issue on Grails Core that the Grails Plugin Profile still includes the publish plugin that will need a release of 4.0.12 to fix
  • Once the profile tests are done I'll be focused on testing the Spring Security plugin
  • There are some issues I have moved onto the Grails project board on GitHub
  • There was a recent issue in grails-views about testing a GSON view using a unit test