Grails Engineering Meeting Notes (08 12 2021) - grails/grails-core GitHub Wiki

Date: 08/12/2021


  • Puneet Behl
  • David Estes
  • James Kleeh
  • Jason Schindler


  • Current Development Activities
  • Open Discussion
  • Items for GA Release

Current Development Activities


  • Grails 5 RC1 has been released!
  • There is a blog post coming shortly
  • Looking into a few issues that were reported to see if they are due to Grails 5 or not
  • Going to try updating Micronaut to 3 RC1 to see what impact that might have


  • After GA, I propose that we update the CLI and the Guides to be more like the newer Micronaut infrastructure
    • Team discussed benefits of newer guide system and updated CLI
  • I think we should look at the configuration options that are generated with fresh applications
    • I think that most of those options were done as to avoid breaking changes
    • There might be changes that we can make to the default values so that we can remove those options from the generated apps
    • Team discussed some example options that are required and ones that may not be


  • I noticed that Grails 5 RC1 is not listed on the website yet. I would expect it to be listed in the milestone areas
    • Puneet: I think that is a manual update. I'll take a look at that

Open Discussion

  • Team discussed profiles that may need to be updated
  • Team discussed possibility of adding Groovy 3.0.8 in order to support JDK 16

Items for GA release

  • Attempt to update to Micronaut 3 RC1
  • Review guides to verify Grails 5 RC
  • Review issues filed against Grails 5