Grails Engineering Meeting Notes (06 03 2021) - grails/grails-core GitHub Wiki

Date: 06/03/2021


  • Puneet Behl
  • David Estes
  • Jason Schindler
  • Bobby Warner


  • Current Development Activities
  • Open Discussion

Current Development Activities


  • Working on getting Grails 5 RC1 done
    • Updating Spring to 5.3.7 and Spring boot to 2.5
    • Everything seems OK on all of the projects
    • We may also want to update to Gradle 6.8
  • Will be updating Grails Plugin Profiles to make some changes around publishing
  • Planning on releasing another milestone this week
  • The only concern I have is updating to Gradle 6.8
    • David: We got a question about Gradle 7 on the town hall
  • We may be updating the webdriver dependencies as well


  • It looks like the fixes I applied for GSP worked
    • Let me know after Grails 5 when we start the improvements to GSP, I have some ideas there
  • Puneet: I saw you responded on this UrlMapping issue
  • Puneet: How is the Spring Loaded effort going?
    • David: I haven't heard from Andy for a while, but I think it might be best for us to just fork the project
    • Bobby: I agree, he seems really busy
    • David: I think we can just fork it and publish it
    • Bobby: He did merge your PR back in April
    • Puneet: Have you made any progress on Java 11?
    • David: In order for it to be compatible there is some extra bytecode that needs to be added for Java 11
    • Puneet: Do you think we should target that for Grails 5?
    • David: I think we can at least support Java 8 for Grails 5 and we can look at potentially supporting Java 11