Grails Engineering Meeting Notes (01 07 2021) - grails/grails-core GitHub Wiki

Date: 01/07/2021


  • Puneet Behl
  • Jason Schindler


  • Current Grails Development Activities
  • Open Discussion

Current Development Activities


  • Before the break: Released 3.3.12 and 4.0.6. Waited on 4.1.0.M3
  • This week releasing updates to GORM and 4.1.0.M3
  • Updated current branches to GitHub Actions
    • If we need to release an older version of something, we will need to first update the branch to GitHub Actions
    • Need to prioritize a list of plugins to migrate over to GitHub Actions and do the Migration
  • Once 4.1.0.M3 is released, I will need to test our guides

Groovy 2.5.14 issues

  • User has reported the inability to move to Grails 4.0.6 due to some breaking changes in Groovy 2.5.14.
    • Puneet has asked the user to provide a list of issues and we will sync with the Groovy team on those