Standalone Scripts - grahampugh/jamf-upload GitHub Wiki

Deprecation Notice

The standalone scripts are a proof-of-concept that I built before creating the AutoPkg processors. I've now enabled the use of the AutoPkg processors directly (without recipes) by use of the script. These standalone scripts are therefore now mostly obsolete and I do not intend to develop them any more.

The standalone scripts in this repository allow the user to perform API requests with a Jamf Pro server to upload packages, categories, computer groups, scripts, extension attributes and policies.

The scripts require a python 3 installation to run. They also require the requests and certifi python modules.

See the Example workflow for uploading a policy.


Upload one or more packages to a Jamf Cloud Distribution Point or an SMB FileShare Distribution Point

usage: [-h] [--replace] [--nscurl] [--requests] [--direct]
                          [--url URL] [--user USER] [--password PASSWORD]
                          [--smb_url SMB_URL] [--smb_user SMB_USER]
                          [--smb_pass SMB_PASS] [--timeout TIMEOUT]
                          [--chunksize CHUNKSIZE] [--prefs PREFS] [-v]
                          [--category CATEGORY] [--info INFO] [--notes NOTES]
                          [--priority {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20}]
                          [--os_requirement OS_REQUIREMENT]
                          [--required_processor {x86,None}]
                          pkg [pkg ...]

positional arguments:
  pkg                   Full path to the package(s) to upload

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --replace             overwrite an existing uploaded package
  --nscurl              use nscurl instead of curl
  --requests            use requests instead of curl
  --direct              use direct upload to JCDS (experimental, will not work
                        if JCDS is not primary distribution point)
  --url URL             the Jamf Pro Server URL
  --user USER           a user with the rights to upload a package
  --password PASSWORD   password of the user with the rights to upload a
  --smb_url SMB_URL     Path to an SMB FileShare Distribution Point, in the
                        form smb://server/mountpoint
  --smb_user SMB_USER   a user with the rights to upload a package to the SMB
                        FileShare Distribution Point
  --smb_pass SMB_PASS   password of the user with the rights to upload a
                        package to the SMB FileShare Distribution Point
  --timeout TIMEOUT     set timeout in seconds for HTTP request for
                        problematic packages
  --chunksize CHUNKSIZE
                        set chunk size in megabytes
  --prefs PREFS         full path to an AutoPkg prefs file containing JSS URL,
                        API_USERNAME and API_PASSWORD, for example an AutoPkg
                        preferences file which has been configured for use
                        with JSSImporter
                        (~/Library/Preferences/com.github.autopkg.plist) or a
                        separate plist anywhere (e.g.
  -v, --verbose         print verbose output headers
  --category CATEGORY   a category to assign to the package
  --info INFO           an info string to assign to the package
  --notes NOTES         a notes string to assign to the package
  --reboot_required     Set if the package requires a restart
  --priority {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20}
                        a priority to assign to the package (default=10)
  --os_requirement OS_REQUIREMENT
                        an OS requirements string to assign to the package
  --required_processor {x86,None}
                        a required processor to assign to the package.
                        Acceptable values are 'x86' or 'None'
  --send_notification   set to send a notification when the package is

Missing arguments (URL, username, password) will be asked for interactively if not already supplied.


Here, we supply the JSS URL, API user and password, and the package to upload.

./ --url --user jamf_admin --password myPasswordIsSecure /path/to/FoldingAtHome-7.5.1.pkg

Here, we point to the AutoPkg preferences file, whicb should contains the JSS URL, API user and password. We add verbosity and specify that the package should be replaced.

./ --prefs ~/Library/Preferences/com.github.autopkg.plist -vv --replace ~/Library/AutoPkg/Cache/local.pkg.FoldingAtHome/FoldingAtHome-7.5.1.pkg

Here, we point to a custom plist, which should contains the JSS URL, API user and password. We specify that the package should be replaced, and supply a category to assign to the package object.

./ --prefs ../credentials/custom.plist --category Applications --replace ~/Library/AutoPkg/Cache/local.pkg.FoldingAtHome/FoldingAtHome-7.5.1.pkg

Here, we provide more pkg metadata while uploading Rosetta-2-install-1.0.signed.pkg:

./ --prefs /path/to/custom.plist --category Administration --info "uploaded by jamf_pkg_upload $(date)" --notes "created by munkipkg" --priority 5 --reboot_required --required_processor x86 --send_notification /path/to/Rosetta-2-install-1.0.signed.pkg --replace -vvv

Here, we point to the AutoPkg preferences file, whicb should contains the JSS URL, API user and password. We specify multiple packages that we wish to be uploaded in one run.

./ --prefs ~/Library/Preferences/com.github.autopkg.plist \
/path/to/FoldingAtHome-7.5.1.pkg \
/path/to/AdoptOpenJDK11-11.0.6.pkg \
/path/to/Firefox-77.0.1.pkg \

Known issues in latest version uses an undocumented API for uploading packages to Jamf Cloud. As far as I know, this is the same API used by the Jamf Admin app. It is also the same method used by JSSImporter.

The HTTP responses from this API are unpredictable. You may see a 504 response, which indicates a Gateway Timeout error, but the package may well be delivered anyway. This is true whether uploading a new package or overwriting an existing one.

As the HTTP response cannot be guaranteed, and package metadata such as category, manifest etc., must be supplied by a different API call after the package object has been uploaded, it can be unpredictable as to whether the package will be successfully uploaded. For this reason, please consider the --category option as experimental when uploading to Jamf Cloud.

The script also provides the --direct option, which uses a method resembling the way the GUI performs uploads. In our tests, this is more reliable at completing the package upload and providing the package ID as a response, which means the --category option should work more of the time.


Upload one or more scripts to a Jamf Pro server using the API.

usage: [-h] [--replace] [--url URL] [--user USER]
                            [--password PASSWORD] [--category CATEGORY]
                            [--priority PRIORITY]
                            [--osrequirements OSREQUIREMENTS] [--info INFO]
                            [--notes NOTES] [--parameter4 PARAMETER4]
                            [--parameter5 PARAMETER5]
                            [--parameter6 PARAMETER6]
                            [--parameter7 PARAMETER7]
                            [--parameter8 PARAMETER8]
                            [--parameter9 PARAMETER9]
                            [--parameter10 PARAMETER10]
                            [--parameter11 PARAMETER11] [--prefs PREFS] [-v]
                            script [script ...]

positional arguments:
    script                Full path to the script(s) to upload

optional arguments:
    -h, --help              show this help message and exit
    --replace               overwrite an existing uploaded script
    --url URL               the Jamf Pro Server URL
    --user USER             a user with the rights to upload a script
    --password PASSWORD     password of the user with the rights to upload a
    --category CATEGORY     a category to assign to the script(s)
    --priority PRIORITY     priority to assign to the script(s) - BEFORE or AFTER
    --osrequirements OSREQUIREMENTS
                            a value to assign to the OS requirements field of the
    --info INFO             information to assign to the script(s)
    --notes NOTES           notes to assign to the script(s)
    --parameter4 PARAMETER4
                            a value to assign to parameter4 of the script(s)
    --parameter5 PARAMETER5
                            a value to assign to parameter5 of the script(s)
    --parameter6 PARAMETER6
                            a value to assign to parameter6 of the script(s)
    --parameter7 PARAMETER7
                            a value to assign to parameter7 of the script(s)
    --parameter8 PARAMETER8
                            a value to assign to parameter8 of the script(s)
    --parameter9 PARAMETER9
                            a value to assign to parameter9 of the script(s)
    --parameter10 PARAMETER10
                            a value to assign to parameter10 of the script(s)
    --parameter11 PARAMETER11
                            a value to assign to parameter11 of the script(s)
    --prefs PREFS           full path to an AutoPkg prefs file containing JSS URL,
                            API_USERNAME and API_PASSWORD, for example an AutoPkg
                            preferences file which has been configured for use
                            with JSSImporter
                            (~/Library/Preferences/com.github.autopkg.plist) or a
                            separate plist anywhere (e.g.
    -v, --verbose           print verbose output headers


Create or update one or more categories on a Jamf Pro server using the API.

usage: [-h] [--priority PRIORITY] [--url URL]
                            [--user USER] [--password PASSWORD]
                            [--prefs PREFS] [-v]
                            category [category ...]

positional arguments:
category             Category to create

optional arguments:
-h, --help           show this help message and exit
--priority PRIORITY  Category priority. Default value is 10
--url URL            the Jamf Pro Server URL
--user USER          a user with the rights to create a category
--password PASSWORD  password of the user with the rights to create a
--prefs PREFS        full path to an AutoPkg prefs file containing JSS URL,
                     API_USERNAME and API_PASSWORD, for example an AutoPkg
                     preferences file which has been configured for use with
                     (~/Library/Preferences/com.github.autopkg.plist) or a
                     separate plist anywhere (e.g.
-v, --verbose        print verbose output headers


Upload an Extension Attribute to a Jamf Pro server using the API.

usage: [-h] [-n NAMES] [--script SCRIPT] [--url URL]
                         [--user USER] [--password PASSWORD] [--prefs PREFS]
                         [-k KEY=VALUE] [-v]

optional arguments:
-h, --help              show this help message and exit
-n NAMES, --name NAMES
                        Extension Attribute to create or update
--script SCRIPT         Full path to the template script to upload
--url URL               the Jamf Pro Server URL
--user USER             a user with the rights to create and update an
                        extension attribute
--password PASSWORD     password of the user
--prefs PREFS           full path to an AutoPkg prefs file containing JSS URL,
                        API_USERNAME and API_PASSWORD, for example an AutoPkg
                        preferences file which has been configured for use
                        with JSSImporter
                        (~/Library/Preferences/com.github.autopkg.plist) or a
                        separate plist anywhere (e.g.
                        Provide key/value pairs for script value substitution.
-v, --verbose           print verbose output headers


Create or update one or more computer groups on a Jamf Pro server using the Classic API. Requires an XML template. The template can include wildcards using % signs e.g. %POLICY_NAME%, which can be overridden using key/value pairs.

usage: [-h] [-n NAMES] [--template TEMPLATE]
                                    [-k KEY=VALUE] [--url URL] [--user USER]
                                    [--password PASSWORD] [--prefs PREFS] [-v]

optional arguments:
-h, --help              show this help message and exit
-n NAMES, --name NAMES
                        Computer Group to create or update
--template TEMPLATE     Path to Computer Group XML template
                        Provide key/value pairs for template value substitution.
--url URL               the Jamf Pro Server URL
--user USER             a user with the rights to create and update a computer group
--password PASSWORD     password of the user with the rights to create and update
                        a computer group
--prefs PREFS           full path to an AutoPkg prefs file containing JSS URL,
                        API_USERNAME and API_PASSWORD, for example an AutoPkg
                        preferences file which has been configured for use
                        with JSSImporter
                        (~/Library/Preferences/com.github.autopkg.plist) or a
                        separate plist anywhere (e.g.
-v, --verbose           print verbose output headers


usage: [-h] [-n NAMES] [--template TEMPLATE]
                             [-k KEY=VALUE] [--url URL] [--user USER]
                             [--password PASSWORD] [--prefs PREFS] [-v]

optional arguments:
-h, --help              show this help message and exit
-n NAMES, --name NAMES
                        Policy to create or update
--template TEMPLATE     Path to Policy XML template
                        Provide key/value pairs for template value
--url URL               the Jamf Pro Server URL
--user USER             a user with the rights to create and update a policy
--password PASSWORD     password of the user with the rights to create and
                        update a policy
--prefs PREFS           full path to an AutoPkg prefs file containing JSS URL,
                        API_USERNAME and API_PASSWORD, for example an AutoPkg
                        preferences file which has been configured for use
                        with JSSImporter
                        (~/Library/Preferences/com.github.autopkg.plist) or a
                        separate plist anywhere (e.g.
-v, --verbose           print verbose output headers

Example workflow for uploading a policy

We want to make a policy for the Mattermost application. The policy should have the following:

  • The policy category is Untested.
  • The package category is Applications.
  • The scope should include the Mattermost test users smart group, and exclude the Mattermost test version installed smart group.

The policy and smart groups require XML templates. The templates can include variables between % signs to be substituted, for example %POLICY_NAME%. These variables are specified from the command line using --key VARIABLE=value:

  • SmartGroupTemplate-test-users.xml
  • SmartGroupTemplate-test-version-installed.xml
  • PolicyTemplate-untested-package.xml

These examples templates are in the _tests folder of this repo.

  • First we need to make sure the Untested and Applications categories exist:

    ./ \
    --prefs /path/to/jamf_upload_prefs.plist \
    Untested \
  • Next we upload the package:

    ./ \
    --prefs /path/to/jamf_upload_prefs.plist \
    --category Applications \
  • Now, create the Mattermost test users and Mattermost test version installed smart groups, using templates and specifying any variables to be substituted in the templates:

    ./ \
    --prefs /path/to/jamf_upload_prefs.plist \
    --template /path/to/SmartGroupTemplate-test-users.xml \
    --key POLICY_NAME=Mattermost
    ./ \
    --prefs /path/to/jamf_upload_prefs.plist \
    --template /path/to/SmartGroupTemplate-test-version-installed.xml \
    --key POLICY_NAME=Mattermost \
    --key JSS_INVENTORY_NAME=Mattermost \
    --key version=4.4.2
  • Finally, create the policy:

    ./ \
    --prefs /path/to/jamf_upload_prefs.plist \
    --template /path/to/PolicyTemplate-untested-package.xml \
    --key POLICY_NAME=Mattermost \
    --key CATEGORY=Untested \
    --key PKG_NAME=Mattermost-4.4.2.pkg \
    --key SELF_SERVICE_DESCRIPTION="Installs Mattermost" \
    --key version=4.4.2


** Jamf Configuration Profile upload script 
** Uploads Configuration Profile to Jamf Pro. 
** WARNING: This is an experimental script! Using it may have unexpected results! 

usage: [-h] [--name NAME] [--payload PAYLOAD]
                                      [--identifier IDENTIFIER]
                                      [--template TEMPLATE]
                                      [--category CATEGORY]
                                      [--organization ORGANIZATION]
                                      [--description DESCRIPTION]
                                      [--computergroup_name COMPUTERGROUP_NAME]
                                      [--replace] [--url URL] [--user USER]
                                      [--password PASSWORD] [--prefs PREFS]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --name NAME           Configuration Profile to create or update
  --payload PAYLOAD     Path to Configuration Profile plist payload
  --identifier IDENTIFIER
                        Path to Configuration Profile plist payload
  --template TEMPLATE   Path to Configuration Profile XML template
  --category CATEGORY   a category to assign to the profile
  --organization ORGANIZATION
                        Organization to assign to the profile
  --description DESCRIPTION
                        a description to assign to the profile
  --computergroup_name COMPUTERGROUP_NAME
                        a computer group which will be scoped to the profile
  --replace             overwrite an existing Configuration Profile
  --url URL             the Jamf Pro Server URL
  --user USER           a user with the rights to create and update an
                        Configuration Profile
  --password PASSWORD   password of the user
  --prefs PREFS         full path to an AutoPkg prefs file containing JSS URL,
                        API_USERNAME and API_PASSWORD, for example an AutoPkg
                        preferences file which has been configured for use
                        with JSSImporter
                        (~/Library/Preferences/com.github.autopkg.plist) or a
                        separate plist anywhere (e.g.
  -v, --verbose         print verbose output headers

Example profile upload using templates available in this repo:

./ --prefs /path/to/com.github.autopkg.plist \
    --category Untested \
    --name "VLC Settings" \
    --payload _tests/org.videolan.vlc.plist \
    --template _tests/ProfileTemplate-test-users.xml \
    --organization "Jamf-Upload" \
    --description "Configuration for VLC" \
    --computergroup_name Testing \
    --identifier org.videolan.vlc