Websocket - graforlock/bs-websocket GitHub Wiki
There's the main type that matches the Web API.
external make: string => t('msg)
Once created, you can operate on native Js objects in such way:
let ws = Websocket.make("ws://locahost/ws");
let onOpen = _ => {
set callback:
ws##onmessage #= handler;
ws##onopen #= onOpen;
However, the interface exposes these publicly accessible methods:
let send = t('msg) => 'msg => unit
let close = (~code=Js.Undefined.t(string), ~reason=Js.Undefined.t(string), t('msg)) => unit
let onOpen = t('msg) => MessageEvent.t => unit
let onError = t('msg) => MessageEvent.t => unit
let onClose = t('msg) => CloseEvent.t => unit
let onMessage = t('msg) => MessageEvent.t => unit
let setBinaryType = t('msg) => binaryType => string
Their use is demonstrated in the example section.