Project structure (ongoing) - gr8events/designdocuments GitHub Wiki


Aim of this wiki is to define process of handling and tracking issues (work items) through development process. Each Work Item (e.g. user story, feature, bug, enchantment etc.) in project should be defined and tracked by appropriate Issue instance.

Issue types

Issue types structure follows top-down breakdown strategy where top-level (more abstract) ideas are sliced into detailed user-stories with clear expectations and outcomes. GitHub labels should be used for marking issue type and progress through workflow.


Overview of Issue types structure: Isse types structure


Themes are used to categorize issues into high-level (abstract) focus areas. In general, themes are 'grouping items' and do not define specific customer value or deliverable items.


Describe high-level system features on abstract level. Need to be broken-down into more detailed user-stories.


  • Parent: One or more themes
  • Child: One or more User Stories

User story

Simple description of end-to-end feature described from end-user perspective. Example: As a < type of user >, I want < some goal > so that < some reason >.


  • Exactly one Epic
  • One or more Tasks, Bugs or Enchantments


Action that can be taken by individual contributor in order to fulfill User-Story expectations


  • Exactly one User Story, Bug or Enchantment
  • One or more commits


Error, flaw, failure or fault within Product release or project documentation. Should be tracked as individual task but, for more complex issues, additional tasks can be generated.


  • Epic or User story impacted by Bug
  • Release where Bug is noticed (if applicable)
  • Release where Bug is corrected (if applicable)
  • List of tasks generated (if applicable)


Minor improvement proposal for existing feature. Should be tracked as individual task but, for more complex issues, additional tasks can be generated.


  • Epic or User story that can be enchanted
  • List of related tasks (if applicable)